Thursday, December 29, 2016

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Creating a Custom WordPress Messaging System, Part 4

Creating a Custom WordPress Messaging System, Part 4

In this series, we've taken a look at how we can implement a system that allows us to programmatically define custom messages that display on a given administration page in the WordPress back end.

If you've followed along with the series thus far, then you know:

  • We've laid the groundwork for the plugin that's used throughout this series, and even developed it a bit further.
  • We've defined and used a custom hook that we can use to render the settings messages.
  • We've added support for success, warning, and error messages that can be rendered at the top of a given settings page.

As mentioned in the previous tutorial:

But if you've read any of my previous tutorials, you know that I'm not a fan of having duplicated code. Nor am I fan of having one class do many things. And, unfortunately, that's exactly that we're doing here.

And we're going to address that in this final tutorial. By the end, we'll have a complete refactored solution that uses some intermediate object-oriented principles like inheritance. We'll also have a few methods that we can use programmatically or that can be registered with the WordPress hook system.

Getting Started at the End

At this point you should know exactly what you need in your local development environment. Specifically, you should have the following:

  • PHP 5.6.25 and MySQL 5.6.28
  • Apache or Nginx
  • WordPress 4.6.1
  • Your preferred IDE or editor

I also recommend the most recent version of the source code as it will allow you to walk through all of the changes that we're going to make. If you don't have it, that's okay, but I recommend reading back over the previous tutorials before going any further.

In the Previous Tutorial

As you may recall (or have ascertained from the comment above), the previous tutorial left us with a single class that was doing too much work.

One way to know this is that if you were to describe what the class was doing, you wouldn't be able to give a single answer. Instead, you'd have to say that it was responsible for handling success messages, warning messages, error messages, and rendering all of them independently of one another.

And though you might make the case that it was "managing custom messages," you wouldn't necessarily be describing just how verbose the class was. That's what we hope to resolve in this tutorial.

In the Final Tutorial

Specifically, we're going to be looking at doing the following:

  • removing the old settings messenger class
  • adding a new, more generic settings message class
  • adding a settings messenger class with which to communicate
  • introducing methods that we can use independent of WordPress
  • streamlining how WordPress renders the messages

We have our work cut out for us, so let's go ahead and get started with all of the above.

Refactoring Our Work

When it comes to refactoring our work, it helps to know exactly what it is that we want to do. In our case, we recognize that we have a lot of duplicate code that could be condensed. 

Furthermore, we have three different types of messages managed in exactly the same way save for how they are rendered. And in that instance, it's an issue of the HTML class attributes.

Thus, we can generalize that code to focus on a specific type, and we can consolidate a lot of the methods for adding success messages or retrieving error messages by generalizing a method to recognize said type

Ultimately, we will do that. But first, some housekeeping.

1. Remove the Old Settings Messenger

In the previous tutorials, we've been working with a class called Settings_Messenger. Up to this point, it has served its purpose, but we're going to be refactoring this class throughout the remainder of this tutorial.

When it comes to this type of refactoring, it's easy to want to simply delete the class and start over. There are times in which this is appropriate, but this is not one of them. Instead, we're going to take that class and refactor what's already there.

All of that to say, don't delete the file and get started with a new one. Instead, track with what we're doing throughout this tutorial.

2. A New Setting Message Class

First, let's introduce a Settings_Message class. This represents any type of settings message with which we're going to write. That is, it will manage success messages, error messages, and warning messages.

To do this, we'll define the class, introduce a single property, and then we'll instantiate it in the constructor. Check out this code, and I'll explain a bit more below:

Notice that we've created a private attribute, $messages. When the class is instantiated, we create a multidimensional array. Each index, identified either by success, error, or warning, refers to its own array in which we'll be storing the corresponding messages.

Next, we need to be able to add a message, get a message, and get all of the messages. I'll discuss each of these in more detail momentarily.

Adding Messages

First, let's look at how we're adding messages:

This message first takes the incoming string and sanitizes the data. Then it checks to see if it already exists in the success messages. If so, it simply returns. After all, we don't want duplicate messages.

Otherwise, it adds the message to the collection.

Getting Messages

Retrieving messages comes in two forms:

  1. rendering individual messages by type
  2. rendering the messages in the display of the administration page (complete with HTML sanitization, etc.)

Remember, there are times where we may only want to display warning messages. Other times, we may want to display all of the messages. Since there are two ways of doing this, we can leverage one and then take advantage of it in other another function.

Sound confusing? Hang with me and I'll explain all of it. The first part we're going to focus on is how to render messages by type (think success, error, or warning). Here's the code for doing that (and it should look familiar):

Notice here that we're using much of the same code from the previous tutorial; however, we've generalized it so that it looks at the incoming $type and dynamically applies it to the markup. 

This allows us to have a single function for rendering our messages. This isn't all, though. What about the times we want to get all messages? This could be to render on a page or to grab them programmatically for some other processing.

To do this, we can introduce another function:

This message should be easy enough to understand. It simply loops through all of the messages we have in our collection and calls the get_messages function we outlined above.

It still renders them all together (which we'll see one use of them in our implementation of a custom hook momentarily). If you wanted to use them for another purpose, you could append the result into a string and return it to the caller, or perform some other programmatic function.

This is but one implementation.

3. The Settings Messenger

That does it for the actual Settings_Message class. But how do we communicate with it? Sure, we can talk to it directly, but if there's an intermediate class, we have some control over what's returned to us without adding more responsibility to the Settings_Message class, right?

Enter the Settings_Messenger. This class is responsible for allows us to read and write settings messages. I think a case could be made that you could split this up into two classes by its responsibility because it both reads and writes but, like a messenger who sends and receives, that's the purpose of this class.

The initial setup of the class is straightforward.

  • The constructor creates an instance of the Settings_Message class that we can use to send and receive messages.
  • It associates a method with our custom tutsplus_settings_messages hook we defined in a previous tutorial.

Take a look at the first couple of methods:

Remember from earlier in this tutorial, we have the hook defined in our view which can be found in settings.php. For the sake of completeness, it's listed here:

Notice, however, that this particular hook takes advantage of the get_all_messages method we'll review in a moment. It doesn't have to use this method. Instead, it could be used to simply render success messages or any other methods that you want to use.

Adding Messages

Creating the functions to add messages is simple as these functions require a type and the message itself. Remember, the Settings_Message takes care of sanitizing the information so we can simply pass in the incoming messages.

See below where we're adding success, warning, and error messages:

It's easy, isn't it?

Getting Messages

Retrieving messages isn't much different except we just need to provide the type of messages we want to retrieve:

Done and done, right?

But Did You Catch That?

Notice that the messages above all refer to two other methods we haven't actually covered yet. These are private messages that help us simplify the calls above. 

Check out the following private methods both responsible for adding and retrieving messages straight from the Settings_Message instance maintained on the messenger object:

And that wraps up the new Settings_Messenger class. All of this is much simpler, isn't it?

Starting the Plugin

It does raise the question, though: How do we start the plugin now that we've had all of these changes?

See the entire function below:

And that's it.

A few points to note:

  • If you don't call init on the Settings_Messenger, then you don't have to worry about displaying any messages in on your settings page.
  • The code adds messages to the Settings_Messenger, but it doesn't actually retrieve any because I am using the init method.
  • If you want to retrieve the messages then you can use the methods we've outlined above.

That's all for the refactoring. This won't work exactly out of the box as there is still some code needed to load all of the PHP files required to get the plugin working; however, the code above focuses on the refactoring which is the point of this entire tutorial.


For a full working version of this tutorial and complete source code that does work out of the box, please download the source code attached to this post on the right sidebar.

I hope that over the course of this material you picked up a number of new skills and ways to approach WordPress development. When looking over the series, we've covered a lot:

  • custom menus
  • introducing administration pages
  • the various message types
  • defining and leveraging custom hooks
  • and refactoring object-oriented code

As usual, I'm also always happy to answer questions via the comments, and you can also check out my blog and follow me on Twitter. I usually talk all about software development within WordPress and tangential topics, as well. If you're interested in more WordPress development, don't forget to check out my previous series and tutorials, and the other WordPress material we have here on Envato Tuts+.


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Uploading Files With Rails and Shrine

Uploading Files With Rails and Shrine

There are many file uploading gems out there like CarrierWave, Paperclip, and Dragonfly, to name a few. They all have their specifics, and probably you've already used at least one of these gems.

Today, however, I want to introduce a relatively new, but very cool solution called Shrine, created by Janko Marohnić. In contrast to some other similar gems, it has a modular approach, meaning that every feature is packed as a module (or plugin in Shrine's terminology). Want to support validations? Add a plugin. Wish to do some file processing? Add a plugin! I really love this approach as it allows you to easily control which features will be available for which model.

In this article I am going to show you how to:

  • integrate Shrine into a Rails application
  • configure it (globally and per-model)
  • add the ability to upload files
  • process files
  • add validation rules
  • store additional metadata and employ file cloud storage with Amazon S3

The source code for this article is available on GitHub.

The working demo can be found here.

Integrating Shrine

To start off, create a new Rails application without the default testing suite:

I will be using Rails 5 for this demo, but most of the concepts apply to versions 3 and 4 as well.

Drop the Shrine gem into your Gemfile:

Then run:

Now we will require a model that I am going to call Photo. Shrine stores all file-related information in a special text column ending with a _data suffix. Create and apply the corresponding migration:

Note that for older versions of Rails, the latter command should be:

Configuration options for Shrine can be set both globally and per-model. Global settings are done, of course, inside the initializer file. There I am going to hook up the necessary files and plugins. Plugins are used in Shrine to extract pieces of functionality into separate modules, giving you full control of all the available features. For example, there are plugins for validation, image processing, caching attachments, and more.

For now, let's add two plugins: one to support ActiveRecord and another one to set up logging. They are going to be included globally. Also, set up file system storage:


Logger will simply output some debugging information inside the console for you saying how much time was spent to process a file. This can come in handy.

All uploaded files will be stored inside the public/uploads directory. I don't want to track these files in Git, so exclude this folder:


Now create a special "uploader" class that is going to host model-specific settings. For now, this class is going to be empty:


Lastly, include this class inside the Photo model:


[:image] adds a virtual attribute that will be used when constructing a form. The above line can be rewritten as:

Nice! Now the model is equipped with Shrine's functionality, and we can proceed to the next step.

Controller, Views, and Routes

For the purposes of this demo, we'll need only one controller to manage photos. The index page will serve as the root:


The view:


In order to render the @photos array, a partial is required:


image_data? is a method presented by Shrine that checks whether a record has an image.

image_url is yet another Shrine method that simply returns a path to the original image. Of course, it is much better to display a small thumbnail instead, but we will take care of that later.

Add all the necessary routes:


This is it—the groundwork is done, and we can proceed to the interesting part!

Uploading Files

In this section I will show you how to add the functionality to actually upload files. The controller actions are very simple:


The only gotcha is that for strong parameters you have to permit the image virtual attribute, not the image_data.


Create the new view:


The form's partial is also trivial:


Once again, note that we are using the image attribute, not the image_data.

Lastly, add another partial to display errors:


This is pretty much all—you can start uploading images right now.


Of course, much more work has to be done in order to complete the demo app. The main problem is that the users may upload absolutely any type of file with any size, which is not particularly great. Therefore, add another plugin to support validations:


Set up the validation logic for the ImageUploader:


I am permitting only JPG and PNG images less than 1MB to be uploaded. Tweak these rules as you see fit.

MIME Types

Another important thing to note is that, by default, Shrine will determine a file's MIME type using the Content-Type HTTP header. This header is passed by the browser and set only based on the file's extension, which is not always desirable.

If you wish to determine the MIME type based on the file's contents, then use a plugin called determine_mime_type. I will include it inside the uploader class, as other models may not require this functionality:


This plugin is going to use Linux's file utility by default.

Caching Attached Images

Currently, when a user sends a form with incorrect data, the form will be displayed again with errors rendered above. The problem, however, is that the attached image will be lost, and the user will need to select it once again. This is very easy to fix using yet another plugin called cached_attachment_data:


Now simply add a hidden field into your form.


Editing a Photo

Now images can be uploaded, but there is no way to edit them, so let's fix it right away. The corresponding controller's actions are somewhat trivial:


The same _form partial will be utilized:


Nice, but not enough: users still can't remove an uploaded image. In order to allow this, we'll need—guess what—another plugin


It uses a virtual attribute called :remove_image, so permit it inside the controller:


Now just display a checkbox to remove an image if a record has an attachment in place:


Generating a Thumbnail Image

Currently we display original images, which is not the best approach for previews: photos may be large and occupy too much space. Of course, you could simply employ the CSS width and height attributes, but that's a bad idea as well. You see, even if the image is set to be small using styles, the user will still need to download the original file, which might be pretty big.

Therefore, it is much better to generate a small preview image on the server side during the initial upload. This involves two plugins and two additional gems. Firstly, drop in the gems:

Image_processing is a special gem created by the author of Shrine. It presents some high-level helper methods to manipulate images. This gem, in turn, relies on mini_magick, a Ruby wrapper for ImageMagick. As you've guessed, you'll need ImageMagick on your system in order to run this demo.

Install these new gems:

Now include the plugins along with their dependencies:


Processing is the plugin to actually manipulate an image (for example, shrink it, rotate, convert to another format, etc.). Versions, in turn, allows us to have an image in different variants. For this demo, two versions will be stored: "original" and "thumb" (resized to 300x300).

Here is the code to process an image and store its two versions:


resize_to_limit! is a method provided by the image_processing gem. It simply shrinks an image down to 300x300 if it is larger and does nothing if it's smaller. Moreover, it keeps the original aspect ratio.

Now when displaying the image, you just need to provide either the :original or :thumb argument to the image_url method:


The same can be done inside the form:


To automatically delete the processed files after uploading is complete, you may add a plugin called delete_raw:


Image's Metadata

Apart from actually rendering an image, you may also fetch its metadata. Let's, for example, display the original photo's size and MIME type:


What about its dimensions? Unfortunately, they are not stored by default, but this is possible with a plugin called store_dimensions.

Image's Dimensions

The store_dimensions plugin relies on the fastimage gem, so hook it up now:

Don't forget to run:

Now just include the plugin:


And display the dimensions using the width and height methods:


Also, there is a dimensions method available that returns an array containing width and height (for example, [500, 750]).

Moving to the Cloud

Developers often choose cloud services to host uploaded files, and Shrine does present such a possibility. In this section, I will show you how to upload files to Amazon S3.

As the first step, include two more gems into the Gemfile:

aws-sdk is required to work with S3's SDK, whereas dotenv-rails will be used to manage environment variables in development.

Before proceeding, you should obtain a key pair to access S3 via API. To get it, sign in (or sign up) to Amazon Web Services Console and navigate to Security Credentials > Users. Create a user with permissions to manipulate files on S3. Here is the simple policy presenting full access to S3:

Download the created user's key pair. Alternatively, you might use root access keys, but I strongly discourage you from doing that as it's very insecure.

Next, create an S3 bucket to host your files and add a file into the project's root to host your configuration:


Never ever expose this file to the public, and make sure you exclude it from Git:


Now modify Shrine's global configuration and introduce a new storage:


That's it! No changes have to be made to the other parts of the app, and you can test this new storage right away. If you are receiving errors from S3 related to incorrect keys, make sure you accurately copied the key and secret, without any trailing spaces and invisible special symbols.


We've come to the end of this article. Hopefully, by now you feel much confident in using Shrine and are eager to employ it in one of your projects. We have discussed many of this gem's features, but there are even more, like the ability to store additional context along with files and the direct upload mechanism. 

Therefore, do browse Shrine's documentation and its official website, which thoroughly describes all available plugins. If you have other questions left about this gem, don't hesitate to post them. I thank you for staying with me, and I'll see you soon! 

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Compressing and Extracting Files in Python

Compressing and Extracting Files in Python

If you have been using computers for some time, you have probably come across files with the .zip extension. They are special files that can hold the compressed content of many other files, folders, and subfolders. This makes them pretty useful for transferring files over the internet. Did you know that you can use Python to compress or extract files?

This tutorial will teach you how to use the zipfile module in Python, to extract or compress individual or multiple files at once.

Compressing Individual Files

This one is easy and requires very little code. We begin by importing the zipfile module and then open the ZipFile object in write mode by specifying the second parameter as 'w'. The first parameter is the path to the file itself. Here is the code that you need:

Please note that I will specify the path in all the code snippets in a Windows style format; you will need to make appropriate changes if you are on Linux or Mac.

You can specify different compression methods to compress files. The newer methods BZIP2 and LZMA were added in Python version 3.3, and there are some other tools as well which don't support these two compression methods. For this reason, it is safe to just use the DEFLATED method. You should still try out these methods to see the difference in the size of the compressed file.

Compressing Multiple Files

This is slightly complex as you need to iterate over all files. The code below should compress all files with the extension pdf in a given folder:

This time, we have imported the os module and used its walk() method to go over all files and subfolders inside our original folder. I am only compressing the pdf files in the directory. You can also create different archived files for each format using if statements.

If you don't want to preserve the directory structure, you can put all the files together by using the following line:

The write() method accepts three parameters. The first parameter is the name of our file that we want to compress. The second parameter is optional and allows you to specify a different file name for the compressed file. If nothing is specified, the original name is used.

Extracting All Files

You can use the extractall() method to extract all the files and folders from a zip file into the current working directory. You can also pass a folder name to extractall() to extract all files and folders in a specific directory. If the folder that you passed does not exist, this method will create one for you. Here is the code that you can use to extract files:

If you want to extract multiple files, you will have to supply the name of files that you want to extract as a list.

Extracting Individual Files

This is similar to extracting multiple files. One difference is that this time you need to supply the filename first and the path to extract them to later. Also, you need to use the extract() method instead of extractall(). Here is a basic code snippet to extract individual files.

Reading Zip Files

Consider a scenario where you need to see if a zip archive contains a specific file. Up to this point, your only option to do so is by extracting all the files in the archive. Similarly, you may need to extract only those files which are larger than a specific size. The zipfile module allows us to inquire about the contents of an archive without ever extracting it.

Using the namelist() method of the ZipFile object will return a list of all members of an archive by name. To get information on a specific file in the archive, you can use the getinfo() method of the ZipFile object. This will give you access to information specific to that file, like the compressed and uncompressed size of the file or its last modification time. We will come back to that later.

Calling the getinfo() method one by one on all files can be a tiresome process when there are a lot of files that need to be processed. In this case, you can use the infolist() method to return a list containing a ZipInfo object for every single member in the archive. The order of these objects in the list is same as that of actual zipfiles. 

You can also directly read the contents of a specific file from the archive using the read(file) method, where file is the name of the file that you intend to read. To do this, the archive must be opened in read or append mode.

To get the compressed size of an individual file from the archive, you can use the compress_size attribute. Similarly, to know the uncompressed size, you can use the file_size attribute.

The following code uses the properties and methods we just discussed to extract only those files that have a size below 1MB.

To know the time and date when a specific file from the archive was last modified, you can use the date_time attribute. This will return a tuple of six values. The values will be the year, month, day of the month, hours, minutes, and seconds, in that specific order. The year will always be greater than or equal to 1980, and hours, minutes, and seconds are zero-based. 

This information about the original file size and compressed file size can help you decide whether it is worth compressing a file. I am sure it can be used in some other situations as well.

Final Thoughts

As evident from this tutorial, using the zipfile module to compress files gives you a lot of flexibility. You can compress different files in a directory to different archives based on their type, name, or size. You also get to decide whether you want to preserve the directory structure or not. Similarly, while extracting the files, you can extract them to the location you want, based on your own criteria like size, etc.

To be honest, it was also pretty exciting for me to compress and extract files by writing my own code. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial, and if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments.

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The Power of PowerShell, Part 2

The Power of PowerShell, Part 2

In part one, I showed you some cool stuff you can do with PowerShell, covered the history of PowerShell, and explored in depth the capabilities of PowerShell as a strong scripting language that supports procedural, functional, and object-oriented programming. 

In part two, I'll discuss the interactive shell, the profile, and the prompt, and I'll compare PowerShell to Bash.

PowerShell: The Interactive Shell

PowerShell was designed from the get-go as an interactive shell for Windows sys admins and power users. It focuses on a small number of concepts, very consistent experience, and an object pipeline to chain and combine commands, filter them and format them. Its strong help system, which also adheres to a consistent format, is a pleasure to use.

Let's see some of that in action.

Getting Help

The comprehensive help system is accessible through Get-Help.

To get more detailed help and see examples, use the proper switches: -examples, -details, or -full.

If you're not sure what the command name is, just use keywords and PowerShell will show you all the available commands that contain this keyword. Let's see what cmdlets related to CSV are available:

I created a little pipeline where I limited the Get-Help call only to the category Cmdlet and then piped it to the "select" (alias for Select-Object) to get only the "name" property.

Working With Files and Directories

You can do pretty much everything you're used to: navigating to various directories, listing files and sub-directories, examining the content of files, creating directories and files, etc.

Working With Other Providers

With PowerShell, you can treat many things as file systems and navigate them using cd and check their contents using ls/dir. Here are some additional providers:

Let's check out the environment and see what Go-related environment variables are out there (on my machine):


PowerShell encourages composing cmdlets with standard switches and creating pipelines. Formatting is an explicit concept where in the end of a pipeline you put a formatter. PowerShell by default examines the type of object or objects at the end of the pipe and applies a default formatter. But you can override it by specifying a formatter yourself. Formatters are just cmdlets. Here is the previous output displayed in list format:

The Profile

Power users that use the command line frequently have many tasks, pipelines, and favorite combinations of commands with default switches that they favor. The PowerShell profile is a PowerShell script file that is loaded and executed whenever you start a new session. You can put all your favorite goodies there, create aliases and functions, set environment variables, and pretty much everything else.

I like to create navigation aliases to deeply nested directories, activate Python virtual environments, and create shortcuts to external commands I run frequently, like git and docker.

For me, the profile is indispensable because PowerShell's very readable and consistent commands and switches are often too verbose, and the built-in aliases are often more trouble than help (I discuss this later). Here is a very partial snippet from my profile:

The Prompt 

PowerShell lets you customize your command prompt. You need to define a function called prompt(). You can see the built-in prompt function:

Here is a custom prompt function that displays the current time in addition to the current directory:

PS C:\Users\the_g> function prompt {"$(get-date) $(get-location) > "}

You can go wild, of course, and add colors and check various conditions like if you're in a particular git repository or if you're admin.

Aliases: The Dark Side

PowerShell got aliases wrong, in my opinion, on two separate fronts. First, the alias command only allows the renaming of commands. You can't add common flags or options to make commands more useful by aliasing them to themselves.

For example, if you want to search in text line by line, you can use the Select-String cmdlet:

That works, but many people would like to rename Select-String to grep. But grep is by default case-sensitive, while Select-String is not. No big deal—we'll just add the -CaseSensitive flag, as in:

Set-Alias -Name grep -Value "Select-String -CaseSensitive" 

Unfortunately, that doesn't work:

The value of an alias must be either a cmdlet, a function, a script, or a program. No flags or arguments are allowed. 

Now, you can do that very easily in PowerShell, but you'll have to use functions and not aliases. That pretty much constrains aliases to simple renaming, which can also be done by functions.

PowerShell vs. Bash

On the interactive shell side, PowerShell and Bash are pretty equal. Bash is more concise by default, but PowerShell's object pipeline makes complicated pipelines more manageable. ,

That said, you can probably accomplish anything with either one and if you're a power user then you'll have your own aliases, functions, and shortcuts for common tasks. On the scripting side, PowerShell goes far beyond Bash, and for system administration purposes it even beats Python, Ruby and friends. 

An important aspect is availability. Bash comes pre-installed with most *nix distributions (unless specifically stripped) including macOS. It can also be installed on Windows via cygwin, git-bash, or msys. PowerShell comes pre-installed on Windows and just recently became available on Mac and Linux.


If you use Windows as a development machine or if you manage Windows machines then PowerShell is an indispensable tool. It is truly a well thought out superset of the Unix shells, and it comes pre-installed. 

PowerShell is great software engineering at work. It evolved over a decade, and it kept innovating while maintaining its original conceptual integrity. The recent switch to open source and cross-platform signals that there is still a lot more to wait for.

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Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Portable Guitarist—Amps, Cables and Connectors

The Portable Guitarist—Amps, Cables and Connectors

This series has so far explained the advantages of an iOS-based rig, the gear you need, transporting it, and setting it up for live performance.

This tutorial is about amplification options plus the relevant cables and connectors.

Mono In; Stereo Out

Look at the guitar lead—there’s usually a ring below the tip, indicating a MONO, or single signal lead. 

Two rings equals stereo—you’ve got the wrong lead. This is because a guitar produces a mono analogue signal. Consequently, all of the traditional gear that you’d plug a guitar into—pedals, amps and so on—come equipped with mono input sockets.

The iPad’s headphone socket, however, is a STEREO, or dual signal output. Furthermore, the output accepts an 1/8” (3.5mm) jack, whereas traditional guitar inputs accept an 1/4” (6.25mm) jack.

Simply put, the iPad produces too big a signal on too small a connector.

Thankfully, this can be overcome with the correct connections and leads. To make the right choice, however, you’ll need to decide what you’re plugging into: guitar amp, or PA (Public Address system).

Guitar Amp

Unless you own a stereo amp—such as the Roland Jazz Chorus, or run a two-amp set-up—you’ve the aforementioned stereo-into-mono problem. 

iPad to the Rescue

Luckily, an iPad can output in mono as well as stereo. To do this, go to Settings, and select General

Choose Accessibility, and scroll down to Hearing. You’ll find a slide button that activates Mono output. Try it through a mono cable into a single speaker; you’ll notice a louder, more detailed sound than when it’s in stereo mode.

Talking of cables…

Cable Conundrum

Online you’ll find any number of Y-cables that combine two mono signals into a single stereo signal. 

Search ‘stereo to mono cable’, however, and you’ll get a cable consisting of one stereo connection and two mono connections. You’ll struggle to find a cable that has a single connection at either end.

Thankfully, there’s some good news.


You can run a mono cable from a stereo output (the iPad) to a mono input (the amp). You’ll need a stereo 1/8” jack adaptor, however, on one end of the 1/4” guitar cable for the iPad’s headphone socket.

You can also use a 1/8” jack stereo cable, but you’ll need a stereo-to-mono 1/4” adaptor on one end to plug into the amp.

These adaptors cost just a few pounds, and are found easily on Amazon and eBay.

A robust—but more expensive—solution is the iLine Mono Output Adaptor from IK Multimedia, for under £25. For around £50, it comes as part of the larger and very useful iLine Mobile Music Cable Kit.

Front End, Effects Loop

If the amp has an effects loop, you could use the iPad purely as an effects unit using cables and connectors described above.

Some words of caution:

  • The amp’s overall output will be determined by the iPad, so you’ll need to turn that up
  • You’ll notice a level of noise that’s higher than when plugging into the front of the amp. You may not notice it when playing, but it’ll be there when you’re not. Whether you proceed will be determined by how loud the gig is, and how much noise you or your audience can take

I’d choose to plug into the front end, but this also presents issues:

  • Careful with the iPad’s volume; the louder you go, the harder you’ll drive the amp, which leads to distortion
  • Like any effects pedal, its position in the signal chain affects how it performs. An expansive reverb may sound fine on a clean sound, but could get messy with distortion


When I started using an iPad live, I never used a guitar amp. Why use one amp, when apps provide the sounds of many? Instead, I used a PA. It presents some new challenges, but solves a lot of problems.

Stereo Compatibility

Unlike a guitar amp, a PA accepts an array of input sources and connections. Of interest here are line input jack sockets, which are typically stereo compatible. 

You could therefore connect your iPad with a 1/8” to 1/4” stereo cable. These are plentiful, and can be very cheap. Get the longest one you can, as you never know from gig to gig how far apart your equipment could be.

Double Up

Some line sockets accept stereo or mono jacks, so I run a 1/8” stereo Y-cable that terminates with two 1/4” mono jacks. 

Each of these plug into separate channels, as two preamps means more output. This lets me lower the iPad’s volume, giving a cleaner input signal.


Time-based effects like delay and reverb consume the iPad’s processing power. If your PA has inbuilt effects—that you like the sound of—employ them.

Mine or Yours

I arrange my PA like a traditional guitar amp stack, placed behind me. If you’re worried about getting sound out front, most PA units have a monitor output; simply run a lead from it to your band’s PA.

However, if you don’t own a PA, you’ll have to plug into your band’s one. If so, consider these points:

  • Your distance from the PA is the length of your lead
  • As cables lengthen, you run into capacitance issues, causing treble loss—the longer the cable, the more muffled you sound
  • If you can’t hear yourself then you need a powered monitor speaker


In the mono realm of guitarists, the stereo iPad can seem like a baffling choice, but you can make it work provided you:

  • Understand what’s mono and what’s stereo
  • Get the right cables and connectors
  • Choose your amplification wisely
  • A guitar amp’s front end is quieter than its effects loop
  • A PA has more options
  • Your own PA is easier than using your band’s

The next tutorial I'll explain the world of apps.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

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Common React Native App Layouts: News Feed

Building Your First Web Scraper, Part 1

Building Your First Web Scraper, Part 1

Rubyland has two gems that have occupied the web scraping spotlight for the past few years: Nokogiri and Mechanize. We spend an article on each of these before we put them into action with a practical example.


  • Web Scraping?
  • Permission
  • The Problem
  • Nokogiri
  • Extraction?
  • Pages
  • API
  • Node Navigation

Web Scraping?

There are fancier terms around than web or screen scraping. Web harvesting and web data extraction pretty much tell you right away what’s going on. We can automate the extraction of data from web pages—and it’s not that complicated as well. 

In a way, these tools allow you to imitate and automate human web browsing. You write a program that only extracts the sort of data that is of interest to you. Targeting specific data is almost as easy as using CSS selectors.

A few years ago I subscribed to some online video course that had like a million short videos but no option to download them in bulk. I had to go through every link on my own and do the dreaded ‘save as’ myself. It was sort of human web scraping—something that we often need to do when we lack the knowledge to automate that kind of stuff. The course itself was alright, but I didn’t use their services anymore after that. It was just too tedious. 

Today, I wouldn’t care too much about such mind-melting UX. A scraper that would do the downloading for me would take me only a couple of minutes to throw together. No biggie!

Let me break it down real quick before we start. The whole thing can be condensed into a couple of steps. First we fetch a web page that has the desired data we need. Then we search through that page and identify the information we want to extract. 

The final step is to target these bits, slice them if necessary, and decide how and where you want to store them. Well-written HTML is often key to making this process easy and enjoyable. For more involved extractions, it can be a pain if you have to deal with poorly structured markup.

What about APIs? Very good question. If you have access to a service with an API, there is often little need to write your own scraper. This approach is mostly for websites that don’t offer that sort of convenience. Without an API, this is often the only way to automate the extraction of information from websites. 

You might ask, how does this scraping thing actually work? Without jumping into the deep end, the short answer is, by traversing tree data structures. Nokogiri builds these data structures from the documents you feed it and lets you target bits of interest for extraction. For example, CSS is a language written for tree traversal, for searching tree data structures, and we can make use of it for data extraction.

There are many approaches and solutions out there to play with. Rubyland has two gems that have occupied the spotlight for a number of years now. Many people still rely on Nokogiri and Mechanize for HTML scraping needs. Both have been tested and proven themselves to be easy to use while being highly capable. We will look at both of them. But before that, I’d like to take a moment to address the problem that we are going to solve at the end of this short introductory series.


Before you start scraping away, make sure you have the permission of the sites you are trying to access for data extraction. If the site has an API or RSS feed, for example, it might not only be easier to get that desired content, it might also be the legal option of choice. 

Not everybody will appreciate it if you do massive scraping on their sites—understandably so. Get yourself educated on that particular site you are interested in, and don’t get yourself in trouble. Chances are low that you will inflict serious damage, but risking trouble unknowingly is not the way to go.

The Problem

I needed to build a new podcast. The design was not where I wanted it to be, and I hated the way of publishing new posts. Damn WYSIWYGs! A little bit of context. About two years ago, I built the first version of my podcast. The idea was to play with Sinatra and build something super lightweight. I ran into a couple of unexpected issues since I tailor-made pretty much everything. 

Coming from Rails, it was definitely an educational journey that I appreciate, but I quickly regretted not having used a static site that I could have deployed through GitHub via GitHub pages. Deploying new episodes and maintaining them lacked the simplicity that I was looking for. For a while, I decided that I had bigger fish to fry and focused on producing new podcast material instead.

This past summer I started to get serious and worked on a Middleman site that is hosted via GitHub pages. For season two of the show, I wanted something fresh. A new, simplified design, Markdown for publishing new episodes, and no fist fights with Heroku—heaven! The thing was that I had 139 episodes lying around that needed to be imported and converted first in order to work with Middleman. 

For posts, Middleman uses .markdown files that have so called frontmatter for data—which replaces my database basically. Doing this transfer by hand is not an option for 139 episodes. That’s what computation is for. I needed to figure out a way to parse the HTML of my old website, scrape the relevant content, and transfer it to blog posts that I use for publishing new podcast episodes on Middleman. 

Therefore, over the next three articles, I’m going to introduce you to the tools commonly used in Rubyland for such tasks. In the end, we’ll go over my solution to show you something practical as well.


Even if you are completely new to Ruby/Rails, chances are very good that you have already heard about this little gem. The name is dropped often and sticks with you easily. I'm not sure that many know that nokogiri is Japanese for “saw”. 

It's a fitting name once you understand what the tool does. The creator of this gem is the lovely Tenderlove, Aaron Patterson. Nokogiri converts XML and HTML documents into a data structure—a tree data structure, to be more precise. The tool is fast and offers a nice interface as well. Overall, it’s a very potent library that takes care of a multitude of your HTML scraping needs.

You can use Nokogiri not only for parsing HTML; XML is fair game as well. It gives you the options of both XML path language and CSS interfaces to traverse the documents you load. XML path Language, or XPath for short, is a query language. 

It allows us to select nodes from XML documents. CSS selectors are most likely more familiar to beginners. As with styles you write, CSS selectors make it fantastically easy to target specific sections of pages that are of interest for extraction. You just need to let Nokogiri know what you are after when you target a particular destination.


What we always need to start with is fetching the actual page we are interested in. We specify what kind of Nokogiri document we want to parse—XML or HTML for example:


Nokogiri:XML and Nokogiri:HTML can take IO objects or String objects. What happens above is straightforward. This opens and fetches the designated page using open-uri and then loads its structure, its XML or HTML into a new Nokogiri document.  XML is not something beginners have to deal with very often. 

Therefore, I’d recommend that we focus on HTML parsing for now. Why open-uri? This module from the Ruby Standard Library lets us grab the site without much fuss. Because IO objects are fair game, we can make easy use of open-uri.


Let’s put this into practice with a mini example:



What we did here represents all the steps that are usually involved with web scraping—just at a micro level. We decide which URL we need and which site we need to fetch, and we load them into a new Nokogiri document. Then we open that page and target a specific section.

Here I only wanted to know the title of the latest episode. Using the at_css method and a CSS selector for was all I needed to target the extraction point. With this method we will only scrape this singular element, though. This gives us the whole selector—which is most of the time not exactly what we need. Therefore we extract only the inner text portion of this node via the text method. For comparison, you can check the output for both the header and the text below.


Although this example has very limited applications, it possesses all the ingredients, all the steps that you need to understand. I think it’s cool how simple this is. Because it might not be obvious from this example, I would like to point out how powerful this tool can be. Let’s see what else we can do with a Nokogiri script.


If you are a beginner and not sure how to target the HTML needed for this, I recommend that you search online to find out how to inspect the contents of websites in your browser. Basically, all major browsers make this process really easy these days. 

On Chrome you just need to right-click on an element in the website and choose the inspect option. This will open a small window at the bottom of your browser which shows you something like an x-ray of the site’s DOM. It has many more options, and I would recommend spending some time on Google to educate yourself. This is time spent wisely!


The css method will give us not only a single element of choice but any element that matches the search criteria on the page. Pretty neat and straightforward!



The only little difference in this example is that I iterate on the raw headers first. I also extracted its inner text with the text method. Nokogiri automatically stops at the end of the page and does not attempt to follow the pagination anywhere automatically.

Let’s say we want to have a bit more information, say the date and the subtitle for each episode. We can simply expand on the example above. It is a good idea anyway to take this step by step. Get a little piece working and add in more complexity along the way.



At this point, we already have some data to play with. We can structure or butcher it any way we like. The above should simply show what we have in a readable fashion. Of course we can dig deeper into each of these by using regular expressions with the text method. 

We will look into this in a lot more in detail when we get to solving the actual podcast problem. It won’t be a class on regexp, but you will see some more of it in action—but no worries, not so much as to make your brain bleed.


What could be handy at this stage is extracting the href for the individual episodes as well. It couldn’t be any simpler.


The most important bits to pay attention to here are [:href] and podcast_url. If you tag on [:] you can simply extract an attribute from the targeted selector. I abstracted a little further, but you can see more clearly how it works below.

To get a complete and useful URL, I saved the root domain in a variable and constructed the full URL for each episode.

Let’s take a quick look at the output:


Neat, isn’t it? You can do the same to extract the [:class] of a selector.

If that node has more than one class, you will get a list of all of them.

Node Navigation

  • parent
  • children
  • previous_sibling
  • next_sibling

We are used to dealing with tree structures in CSS or even jQuery. It would be a pain if Nokogiri didn't offer a handy API to move within such trees.



As you can see for yourself, this is some pretty powerful stuff—especially when you see what .parent was able to collect in one go. Instead of defining a bunch of nodes by hand, you could collect them wholesale.

You can even chain them for more involved traversals. You can take this as complicated as you like, of course, but I would caution you to keep things simple. It can quickly get a little unwieldy and hard to understand. Remember, "Keep it simple, stupid!"



Final Thoughts

Nokogiri is not a huge library, but it has a lot to offer. I recommend you play with what you have learned thus far and expand your knowledge through its documentation when you hit a wall. But don’t get yourself into trouble! 

This little intro should get you well on your way to understanding what you can do and how it works. I hope you will explore it a bit more on your own and have some fun with it. As you will find out on your own, it’s a rich tool that keeps on giving.