Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Learn Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript

Learn Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript

In the world of web applications, handling multiple events efficiently is crucial. Asynchronous programming is the key to achieving this.

Traditional synchronous programming processes events sequentially. This means that an event can only begin execution after the preceding one has completed. While orderly, this method can result in slower responses and potentially impact the overall performance of your application.

Asynchronous programming offers a solution to this challenge. It enables multiple tasks to be executed simultaneously, without waiting for others to complete. This technique creates independent threads of operation that run in parallel, resulting in a smoother, more efficient application.

Our collection of tutorials provides a thorough exploration of asynchronous programming in JavaScript. You'll gain a solid understanding of how to write effective, efficient code that keeps your application responsive, regardless of the workload.

Dive into our tutorials today, and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to implement asynchronous programming in your JavaScript projects. With this vital tool, you'll be better prepared to build robust, efficient applications that can handle multiple events with ease.

Asychronous Programming Techniques in JavaScript 

There are number of techniques you can use to achieve Asynchronous programming in JavaScript. 

The most common ones being: callbacks, promises, or async/await.

This resource brings together free tutorials to help you learn all these techniques for achieving asynchronous programming in JavaScript.

One great tip to really grasp a new programming concept you're learning is: don't just read the tutorial, but also type the actual code and run it!

1. Understanding Promises in JavaScript—The Basics

Promises allow us to run our code asynchronously. A Promise in JavaScript is an object that keeps track of the eventual completion or failure of any asynchronous task.

This tutorial will help to familiarize you with promises in JavaScript. By the end, you will be able to write your own promises and execute callback functions.

2. Using Async and Await in JavaScript

In this tutorial, we will learn about the async and await keywords in JavaScript, which enable us to use promises effectively and write cleaner asynchronous code.

3. How to Wait in JavaScript

It is very common when developing websites or applications to either wait for a specific time or wait for something specific to complete. There are many techniques that you can use to wait in JavaScript. In this tutorial, you will learn about different methods and concepts that you can use to wait, and when you should use each one.

4. Using the Promise.all() Method in JavaScript

This tutorial will teach you how to use promises to wait in JavaScript. You will learn about the Promise.all() and Promise.allSettled() methods and how you can use them to work with multiple promises.

5. Timing Events in JavaScript: setTimeout and setInterval

JavaScript timing events are used to run code at a specific time or after a specific period of time. These events are frequently used in web development for animations, slide presentations, and other dynamic features that call for updates or changes over time. In this tutorial you will learn the setTimeout and setInterval methods for scheduling events.

6. How To Use Callback Functions In JavaScript and ES6

If you want to be adept at writing JavaScript, you’ll need to master callbacks. They’re commonly used when performing network requests, reacting to page-related events, and using code from a third-party library.  

In this tutorial you will learn the ins and outs of JavaScript callback functions, including ES6 arrow functions. You will learn how to define callback functions in JavaScript by going through some examples.

Learning Asynchronous Programming In JavaScript 

To continue learning more about Asynchronous programming I also recommend the final section of the Modern JavaScript programming course. Below is a the full course:

7.5 Hours

Learn Modern JavaScript Fundamentals in 7 Hours!

 In this course, you'll learn all of the essential concepts of the JavaScript language. That's right: all of them! Including the most important recent improvements to the language. You'll start with the very fundamentals and then in each lesson you'll build knowledge.

    Monday, May 29, 2023

    What Is Adobe Firefly?

    What Is Adobe Firefly?

    In the digital age, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized how designers can create and manipulate their designs. AI tools such as Adobe Firefly make it somewhat easier for designers to quickly generate visuals with minimal effort. This article will discuss what Adobe Firefly is, how to get Adobe Firefly, and how to use Adobe Firefly effectively to maximize its potential.

    What Is Adobe Firefly?

    Adobe Firefly is generative AI that allows you to create visuals using various features like text to image, generative fill, text effects, and more.

    Adobe firefly visualsAdobe firefly visualsAdobe firefly visuals

    Find out more about Adobe Firefly on our Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel:

    How to Get Adobe Firefly

    You can access Adobe Firefly by visiting Here you can experiment with a variety of generative AI features from the website. But wait, there’s more. Adobe has created a Photoshop Beta app where you can alter images using generative fill, and as you can see, it’s not that accurate.

    Photoshop BetaPhotoshop BetaPhotoshop Beta

    How to Use Adobe Firefly

    Step 1

    If you're using Firefly on the web, click on text effects and type out what you want to create. For this example, I wanted to create the letter M inspired by The Little Mermaid. Click Generate.

    Mermaid text effect created in Adobe FireflyMermaid text effect created in Adobe FireflyMermaid text effect created in Adobe Firefly

    Step 2

    Go back to the previous screen and click on Generative Fill. Select one of the examples or upload your own image. Click on Background to remove the background. Type Northern Lights in the description box and click Generate.

    Experiment with the options at the bottom to customize the image to your liking.
    Lighthouse northern lights created with adobe fireflyLighthouse northern lights created with adobe fireflyLighthouse northern lights created with adobe firefly

    Step 3

    Select Generative Recolor from the previous screen and upload your SVG file or use one of Adobe's samples.

    Generative recolor adobe firefly uploadGenerative recolor adobe firefly uploadGenerative recolor adobe firefly upload

    Step 4

    Describe your color palette using the text prompt and click Generate.

    Generative recolor graphic created in Adobe FireflyGenerative recolor graphic created in Adobe FireflyGenerative recolor graphic created in Adobe Firefly

    Step 5

    Select the Text to Image feature and type out a description of what you would like to create. Customize your image even more on the right side of your screen.

    Cat image created using adobe fireflyCat image created using adobe fireflyCat image created using adobe firefly

    You Did It!

    Now you know how to use Adobe Firefly. Take the time to have fun with Firefly and create some amazing visuals. If you're interested in learning more about how you can elevate your design skills, check out this collection of tutorials.