Always wanted to create a packaging design, but never knew exactly how to do it?
Well, why not start with your own design for custom pizza boxes because we all love pizza. Follow this tutorial and learn how to draw a simple but effective pizza logo and a pizza box design. This includes text, a cartoon pizza logo, and icons like a pizza oven, hot pizza boxes, delivery truck, and 24-hour delivery.
This design can be easily recolored and, at the and of the tutorial, you will be able to see it applied to a pizza box packaging mockup.
Hungry for more pizza designs? Make sure to go to GraphicRiver, where you'll find plenty of resources and inspiration for your projects. You will find a great selection of icons, fonts, vector graphics, and packaging mockups that you can use to create other creative and professional designs.
Let's start the fun!
Tutorial Assets
To complete the tutorial, you will need the following assets:
1. How to Open a New Document
Launch Illustrator and go to File > New to open a blank document. Type a name for your file, set the dimensions, and then select Pixels as Units and RGB as Color Mode.
Next, go to Edit > Preferences > General and set the Keyboard Increment to 1 px and while there, go to Units to make sure they are set as in the following image. I usually work with these settings, and they will help you throughout the drawing process.

2. How to Create the Pizza Oven Icon
Step 1
Grab the Line Segment Tool (\) and draw a straight line on your artboard with a length of 380 px. Give it a dark brown, 4 pt Stroke and select the Round Cap option in the Stroke panel.
Switch to the Ellipse Tool (L), draw a 320 x 300 px ellipse, and then align its left and right anchor points with the brown line. Draw a new 250 x 230 px ellipse and align it to the middle. The fill colors are not important at the moment.

Step 2
Before you continue, make a copy of the bigger ellipse and hide it for now. We will need it a bit later in the tutorial.
With the two ellipses still selected, press Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel, and you will get a ring shape.

Step 3
Take the Line Segment Tool (\) again and draw a straight line of about 194 px that starts from the center of the ring and goes above it. Give it an 8 pt Stroke using any color and then go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform. Type -13 degrees in the Rotate Angle field, change the number of Copies to 7, and choose the bottom middle point as the Reference Point. Hit OK and you will get more lines starting from the center at an equal distance.

Step 4
Copy and Paste in Front (Control-F) the blue line and open the Transform effect applied in the Appearance panel. Change the Rotate Angle value to 13 degrees and keep the rest of the settings as they are. Hit OK and you will get the same effect but on the opposite side.
With both blue lines still selected, go to Object > Expand Appearance to expand the effect applied, followed by Object > Expand to turn the strokes into filled shapes. Next, press Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into a single shape.

Step 5
Select the green ring along with the newly obtained shape and press Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel followed by Ungroup (Shift-Control-G). Delete the bottom half of the ring and keep all the small resulting shapes (1).
Unhide the copy of the bigger ellipse made earlier in the tutorial (2) and go to Object > Path > Offset Path. Apply an Offset value of -10 px and hit OK to get a smaller ellipse inside (3).

Step 6
Select only the small shapes indicated below and then go to Object > Compound Path > Make (Control-8) (1). Keep the resulting compound path selected, along with the ellipse, and press Intersect in the Pathfinder panel. This will cut them a bit smaller than the others (2).

Step 7
Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a 390 x 6 px rectangle and arrange it above the brown line.
Now, select the remaining green shapes and go to Object > Compound Path > Make (Control-8). Keep the resulting compound path selected, along with the thin rectangle, and press Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel. This will create a small space between the oven icon and the brown line. Color all the shapes that make up the oven with dark brown and Group (Control-G) them.

Step 8
Select the brown line and then go to Object > Transform > Move. Type 125 px in the Vertical field and hit Copy to obtain another line below. This will define the area where the "Pizza" text will be.

3. How to Create the Pizza Text Design
Step 1
Grab the Type Tool (T) and write “PIZZA” on your artboard between the two lines. Use the East Market Font, with a size of 115 pt. Position the text in the middle (1).
With the text still selected, double-click on Characters in the Appearance panel so you can see the attributes. Change the fill color to red and apply a 3 pt Stroke using the same dark brown color (2).
With the text still selected, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown in order to add a small flat shadow on the bottom right side (3).

Step 2
Use the Type Tool (T) again and write “Fresh & Hot” on your artboard at the bottom of the oven symbol. Use the Yellowtail Font, with a size of 46 pt and the same dark brown fill color to match the rest of the pizza box design.

4. How to Create the Cartoon Pizza Logo
Step 1
Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw a 248 x 235 px ellipse on your artboard (1). Select only its top point with the help of the Direct Selection Tool (A) and press the Delete key on your keyboard (2).
Now, close back the shape using the Pen Tool (P) but create a slightly rounded top (3). Add more anchor points along the path with the Add Anchor Point Tool (+) and move them to distort the shape and give it a cartoonish look (4).

Step 2
Use the Pencil Tool (N) or the Pen Tool (P) to draw four paths on the pizza shape, as shown in the image below (1). You don't have to be precise—the more random the better as this will contribute to the overall cartoon style.
Select only one of them along with the pizza shape and press Divide in the Pathfinder panel. This will cut that shape out, and you can delete it (2).
Repeat the same thing using the other three paths to obtain the holes (3). Continue to draw a shape on each side as the pizza crust (4).

Step 3
We will continue to draw the ingredients on the pizza. For the tomato, first draw a rounded shape using the Pencil Tool (N) or the Pen Tool (P). Color it with the same dark brown (1). Continue to draw two bean-like shapes inside it and go to Object > Compound Path > Make (Control-8) (2). Select the brown and orange shapes and press Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel to obtain the empty areas inside the tomato (3).
Next, draw a few small shapes as the seeds, and the tomato slice is ready (4). Following the same process, you can create a half slice of tomato as shown in the image below (5).

Step 4
Make copies and arrange tomato slices inside the pizza holes created earlier (1). Continue to draw a few rounded shapes between them and then go to Object > Compound Path > Make (Control-8) (2). Keep the newly obtained compound path selected along with the pizza shape and press Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel to obtain the small holes (3).

Step 5
To create an olive slice, draw two rounded shapes of different sizes on top of each other. While both shapes stay selected, press Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel. Create other olive slices in the same way or make copies of the existing one and arrange them inside the small holes created earlier. Color them with the same dark brown color in order to maintain the same style for the pizza logo, although we will create a colored version of the design a bit later in the tutorial.

Step 6
Select and Group (Control-G) all the shapes that make up the pizza logo, scale it down, and arrange it under the pizza text (1). Next, use the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a rectangle shape that covers the pizza up to the second brown line (2). Select both the pizza logo and the rectangle and go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Control-7). You will obtain a clean pizza box design (3).

Step 7
Grab the Type Tool (T) and write “TO GO” at the bottom of the pizza. Use the Arimo Font, with a size of 36 pt and a dark brown color.
Keep the text selected and go to Effect > Warp > Arc. Type -21 px in the Horizontal Bend field and, as a result, the text will be slightly rounded.

Step 8
At this point, the main design on the custom pizza box is ready. You can keep it more monochrome by using only the color brown and a pop of red, but it can also be easily recolored. Use the shades indicated to color the pizza shapes, the tomatoes, the olives, and the text.

5. How to Create the Hot Pizza Boxes Icon
Step 1
To create a pizza box icon, start by drawing a rounded rectangle and a rectangle with the dimensions shown. While both stay selected, press Horizontal Align Center and Vertical Align Center in the Align panel (1).
Draw a 43.5 x 43.5 px circle followed by a smaller 23.5 x 23.5 px circle in the center. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select only the top points of these circles and delete them. Close back the paths using the Pen Tool (P) to obtain two semicircles (3). Keep the semicircles selected and press Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel to obtain the opening tab (4). Finally, select everything and press Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into a single shape (5). Color it with the same dark brown R=82, G=58, B=58.

Step 2
Make copies of the first pizza box icon and arrange them on top of each other, making them overlap a little (1). Add three rounded rectangles above as the steam coming out of the boxes. At this point, the stack of pizza boxes is complete (2).

6. How to Create the Delivery Truck Icon
Step 1
Take the Pen Tool (P) and draw a path on your artboard, as shown in the image below. Give it a 13 pt Stroke and press the Round Cap and Round Join options in the Stroke panel (1).
Next, use the Rounded Rectangle Tool to draw a small rectangle with the dimensions shown and align it to the bottom (2). Draw three more rounded rectangles of different lengths and arrange them on the left side of the delivery truck icon (3).

Step 2
The wheels are made of two circles of different sizes; use the Minus Front function to obtain the wheel shape. Make a copy of the wheel and arrange both of them at the bottom of the truck (1). To connect the wheels, draw a rectangle between them using the Rectangle Tool (M) (2). Complete the icon by drawing a path as the windscreen and give it a 13 pt Stroke (3).

7. How to Create the 24-Hour Delivery Icon
Step 1
Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw two circles of 160 x 160 px and 120 x 120 px aligned in the center. Before you continue, Copy and Paste in Back (Control-B) these circles and keep them for later use.
With the help of the Direct Selection Tool (A), select and delete only the top points of the two circles (1) and then close back the left and right end points (2) to obtain the half ring shape (3).
Now, select both circles along with the half ring shape and Rotate them -10 degrees in the Transform panel (4).

Step 2
Draw a triangle shape but with slightly rounded corners, and arrange it at the left end of the half ring as the arrow. Next, use the Rounded Rectangle Tool to draw six small rectangles and then rotate and arrange them using the copies of the two circles as reference (2).
Color the shapes that make up the icon with dark brown R=82, G=58, B=58 like the others (3) and finally, type “24” in the middle using a basic Illustrator font. Fill it with the same color and apply a 2 pt Stroke to make it bolder (4).

Step 3
The hot pizza boxes, delivery truck, and 24-hour delivery icons are ready, and we can include them in the design of the pizza box. Scale them down as much as needed and position them below the cartoon pizza logo.
Our design for the custom pizza box is starting to come together, right? The icons we have created will give an effective visual message once applied to the pizza box packaging mockup.

8. How to Add a Grain Texture on the Pizza Logo
Step 1
First, let's create a new shape that we'll need to mask the texture.
Select the pizza shape, crust shapes, tomatoes, and olives; then Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) to make copies in front of everything. Press Unite in the Pathfinder panel followed by Object > Compound Path > Make (Control-8) to merge them into a single shape.

Step 2
Next, use the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a rectangle that covers the pizza up to the horizontal brown line. Keep it selected, along with the pizza compound path obtained in the previous step, and press Intersect in the Pathfinder panel followed by Object > Compound Path > Make (Control-8). This is the masking shape that we need next.

Step 3
Download a free grain texture or use a favorite texture that you might have and copy it into your file. Scale it down or up, depending on how small or big you want the grain pieces to be.
Now, select the pizza compound path obtained in the previous step along with the grain texture and go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Control-7). I want the texture to be visible only on the cartoon pizza logo to enhance the style, but feel free to apply it to the entire packaging design.
You can color the texture either with white or dark brown. Both look great—it depends on what you prefer.

9. How to Create a Pizza Pattern on the Pizza Box
Step 1
Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw a circle filled with light gray; then set it to Blending Mode Multiply and 65% Opacity. Continue to draw a few smaller circles inside; color them with the same light gray shade and set the Blending Mode to Multiply. The salami icon is ready now.
The other pizza ingredients like mushroom, olive, and piece of pepper are simple shapes drawn with the Pen Tool (P) and the Ellipse Tool (L). Fill them with the same gray color and set the Blending Mode to Multiply so they will blend with any background color that you choose for your pizza box packaging mockup.

Step 2
Let's finalize the packaging design with a pizza pattern on the bottom half of the artboard. Start to arrange copies of the salami icon followed by mushrooms, olive slices, and pieces of pepper. Group (Control-G) all the items and send them to the back.

Step 3
Draw a rectangle the same size as your artboard, and use it to mask the pizza pattern. Also, reduce the Opacity of the entire group of ingredients as much as needed, depending on the background color you choose.

Congratulations! You're Done
Here is the final design of the pizza box. I hope this tutorial was fun for you and that you learned some new techniques today. Now you have the knowledge to make other creative logos and packaging designs in Adobe Illustrator.
Below you can also see the simple yet effective design we made applied to a pizza box packaging mockup.

Expand Your Design Skills!
Keep drawing and learning with these recommended tutorials:
How to Create a Logo
How to Create a Modern Single-Letter Logo in Adobe Illustrator
How to Create a Nautical-Themed Logo in Adobe Illustrator
Packaging Design for Beginners: How to Create a Simple Box
10 Top Tips for Designing Awesome Packaging and Labels
How to Make a Colorful Pizza Pattern in Adobe Illustrator
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