1. Texturing in Substance Painter
Step 1
Continue with our last tutorial, we will be texturing the clothes. Go to Texture Set List and select 1002, which is the second UV space in Maya.

Step 2
Go to Smart Material tab, drag and drop a Fabric Woodland Material into the layers.

Step 3
Delete the Folds folder, you only need the fabric texture. Turn off the Use Custom Color then change the color to blue.

Step 4
Group the layer, add a black mask for the group, then press 4 and drag select on the top clothes’ UV to unmask the clothes.

Step 5
Duplicate the layer and change to a darker color, then add a black mask.

Step 6
Right click on the black mask, select Add generator.

Step 7
Click on the generator and select Light.

Step 8
Adjust the Horizontal Angle and Vertical Angle to add some shadow on the clothes.

Step 9
Duplicate again the Fabric Woodland layer, then add black mask. Change the layer from normal to Multiply.

Step 10
Paint some stroke and make the shadow of the wrinkles more obvious, just like what we did for the skin from the last tutorial.

Step 11
Duplicate the layer again and add black mask, change the color to lighter blue.

Step 12
Paint the highlight for the wrinkles of the clothes.

Step 13
Lets add some torn of the clothes by adding the alpha map. Go to the Shader Settings, change the pbr-metal-rough to pbr-metal-rough-with-alpha-test.

Step 14
Go to Texture Set Settings, click on the + and add Opacity.

Step 15
Back to Layers, add a New Layer, turn off all the colour, height, rough,….. Only turn on the Opacity (op). Change the Opacity to 0.

Step 16
Go to Brushes tab, select the Basic Hard brush.

Step 17
Paint on the edges of the clothes to create some cloth torn. Note that some parts are intersected with the body, pressing 3 in Maya will solve the problem.

Step 18
Next, we repeat the previous steps for the pants. Drag and drop a Fabric Woodland material into the layers. Delete the other layers and change the colour to yellow.

Step 19
Group the layer, add a black mask for the group, press 4 then drag select on the pants.

Step 20
Duplicate the layer, add a black mask, change the color to darker yellow.

Step 21
Right click on the black mask and add a generator, select Light and adjust the angle.

Step 22
Duplicate again the layer, add a black mask and paint shadow for the pants’ wrinkles.

Step 23
Repeat steps for the belt. Create a layer to paint the torn also.

Step 24
Using the same fill layer of the belt, fill color for the shoes too. Drag a Fabric Rough Aligned from Materials tab into the layer, change the color to dark grey.

Step 25
Duplicate the layer, change to a lighter color and add black mask. Paint some highlight on the shoes.

Step 26
Repeat steps for the wristbands.

Step 27
Go to the Texture Set List 1003 (hair), create a new fill layer and change the colour to black. Increase the number of roughness for softer specular.

Step 28
Duplicate the layer and change to lighter colour, repeat the previous step to add some specular for the hair. Decrease the number of roughness for sharper specular.

Step 29
Texturing is done. The next step is to export the textures. Press Ctrl-Shift-E.

Step 30
Go to Configuration, press the + icon to add a new empty preset.

Step 31
Click on the RGB to create a new texture, rename it to goku_diff_$textureSet. $textureSet is the UV set 1001, 1002, 1003.

Step 32
Drag and drop Base Color from the right tab to the RGB box, then select RGB channel.

Step 33
Create another RGB for normal map. Rename it to goku_normal_$textureSet.

Step 34
Drag and drop Normal OpenGL into the RGB box. Don’t darg the Normal as it won’t have any normal map result for the output texture.

Step 35
Create another RGB+A and rename it as goku_rough_$textureSet. Drag and drop Roughness into RGB box and select Gray Channel.

Step 36
Drag again the Roughness into A box and select A Channel.

Step 37
Create another Gray as opacity map, drag and drop Opacity into the Gr box and select Gray Channel.

Step 38
Back to Export tab, choose your file path directory to Maya project’s source images folder.
Then choose the image format, change the config to the preset that we created just now. You can also change the document size as you wish. Then click on Export.

Step 39
Back to Maya, delete the low_grp and _high_grp. Select all the mesh then open UV Editor.

Step 40
Select the UV shells in UV space 1001, right click on the viewport and select Assign New Material.

Step 41
Click on Arnold > Shader, then select AiStandardSurface to assign new material.

Step 42
Increase Base Weight to 1.0. Click on the checker box of Base Color and select File.

Step 43
Click on the File Name and select the goku_diff_1001.

Step 44
Repeat Step 42-43 for roughness. Open Hypershade, click on the shader we created just now and click on the icon Input and Output. Search and click on aiNormalMap from left tab.

Step 45
Click on the checker box of Input and select goku_normal_1001, link the Out Value to the shader’s Normal Camera by clicking the +.

Step 46
Change the Color Space of the normal map texture to Raw.

Step 47
Repeat steps for UV Space 1002 and 1003. For Opacity map, link it to the Geometry > Opacity.

In the next part of the tutorial series, I'll start rigging and posing.
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