Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How to Create a Form With the Quform WordPress Plugin

How to Create a Form With the Quform WordPress Plugin

Forms are essential for any website as they provide an efficient way for your customers to communicate with you. Whether you are looking to receive feedback, complete an order, or receive an application from your website visitors, forms allow you to effectively collect all of this information.

Many of the WordPress forms on the market today are quite complex and can be difficult for the user to integrate into their site. Not only are they too complex, but they often require expensive upgrades to unlock all the necessary features. Luckily there is a WordPress form builder that tackles all of these issues. 

The simple and easy to use form builder, Quform, is an incredibly powerful form creation tool for your WordPress website that features nineteen form elements and an unlimited number of forms for each website. 

Quform can quickly create whatever forms your mind can conceive and style these forms with easy to adapt themes. In this article, I am going to show you just how easy it is to create a feature-rich form with Quform. 

What We Will Be Building

The form that we will be building in this tutorial will be for a blog website. The purpose of the form will be to collect blog submissions from website visitors so we can go through all of the submissions in an organized manner. The form will contain a variety of fields for the user to fill out to give including name, age, email address, an explanation of why their blog post should be on our website, and an area to upload their blog post. 

Quform Form
Decide What Type of Form to Create

Before you can begin to create a form for your website, you will need to know the specific form you are creating and what needs to be included in the form. The form you are looking to create will depend on your specific needs. 

First, analyze what type of information you want to gather from your audience and then write down each specific piece of information that you are looking to collect. This will be your road map for the form. 

In this example, I am going to create a form that collects articles to be posted on my blog from my audience. In this article collecting form, I would like to obtain important details about the person who sent in the article, to have them explain why they think the article would be a good fit for my blog, and to have a section where the person can upload the actual article.

Creating a Form and Adding Elements 

To create a form, head on over to the Quform dashboard by clicking dashboard under Q Forms in the left-hand sidebar of your WordPress Dashboard. Then under the section Forms, click Add New. Give your new form a name and click Add Form. You will be then directed to the Quform editor where you can create the actual form. 

As mentioned, we would like to collect three pieces of information from the user who submitted the article. The first piece of information is who they are and how we can contact them. We would like to include fields to collect their name, email address, and age. 

To add in a field for the user to insert their name, we are going to click the person icon. This will add in a field for the user to input their first and last name. On the left-hand side of the editor, you will see that a new block titled "Name" has been added. On the right-hand side of the editor, you can view what the actual form looks like. To add in the email address field, click on the mail icon and the email address field will be added to your form below the first and last name fields. 

Adding Email Field

Next, we are going to add in a text field for the user to input their age. Click on the text icon at the top of the editor and a text field labeled "Untitled" will appear. To change this title, click Untitled in the block editor and type in "age." 

The next piece of information that we would like to collect is an explanation of why the person thinks the article would be a good fit for the blog. I would like to have this section on a separate page from the name, email address, and age fields. To do this, we can click the + sign at the top of the editor and a new page on the form will be created. 

To collect an explanation from the user, we will add a text area by clicking the left align icon at the top of the editor. Then click on Untitled in the text area in the block editor and type, "Please explain why you think your article would be a good fit for this blog." This will place the instructions for what the user should type in the text area on the form. 

Finally, we need a section where the user can upload their article. Again, I would like this section to be on a separate page, so click the + sign again at the top of the editor. To add an upload option, click the download icon at the top of the editor and type in the text, "Upload Your Article Here" in the upload block editor. 

You will have also noticed that a submit block was added to the block editor when you created your new pages as well as to the form preview. This allows the user to submit the form and go back to the previous pages of the form. This is exactly how we want the form to function, so we are not going to make any changes. 

By following the above steps, you will have successfully created your first form on Quform. To watch the form creation process in action, please view the video below:


Adding Quform To Your Website

Quform makes use of WordPress's shortcodes to add forms to your site. Before you can add your form to any page or post on your website, you will need to copy the shortcode to your clipboard. The Quform shortcode is located at the very top center of the Quform editor. 

Once you have finished editing your form, copy the shortcode and head on over to your post or page. In the text area of your new post or page, enter in this shortcode, click Save Draft, and then click Preview. You can now see your form has been added to your website and are ready to publish this page and start collecting articles for your blog! View the video below to see how the form can be added to your pages and posts.


Getting the Most Out of Quform

The amount of features you have to display on your form makes the Quform incredibly versatile. This article only goes over how to construct a submission form for your blog, but there are many other types of forms that you can create. Here are a few popular form types that you can create:

Contact Form

Every website should have a contact form, so any website visitor can get in contact with you. Quform allows you to create this contact form by simply building a form that contains text inputs and a submit button. 


Surveys are a very helpful way to gauge how certain aspects of your business or overall business are doing. You can create a survey with as many text fields or multiple-choice questions that you require and add this survey to one of your web pages. From there, you can send out an email to your email list and post a link to the survey on social media to get your audience to take the survey. It is recommended to offer some sort of free download or incentive for completing the survey to encourage your audience to take the survey. 

Job Application Form

If your business is hiring, then you need to have a way to collect job applications on your website. All the various input fields and upload feature allow you to create a complete job application form for your business. You can ask your potential employees any questions you would like as well as have them upload their resume. 

Feedback Form

While this is similar to a survey, it is interpreted differently by your audience. A basic feedback form will ask one or two open-ended questions about a product or service that you provide and allow them to expand on what they think. This allows your customers to give their opinion on one specific product or service in their own words. This form would be great to email out to any customer a week or two after they have made a purchase. 


Forms are a necessary tool for you to collect information from your audience on your WordPress website. Many of today's forms on the market can be quite costly and over-complex. 

With Quform, you can quickly create any type of form that you will require as shown in this article for an affordable price. To download this form plugin, you can head on over to CodeCanyon and purchase the Quform plugin as well as take a look at its live preview. 

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