Thursday, March 25, 2021

10+ Best WordPress Twitter Widgets

10+ Best WordPress Twitter Widgets

As a website owner, you should always try to use all the tools at your disposal to increase visitor traffic to your website. For many websites, more traffic drives up revenue to further expand business or improve the quality of the services you currently provide. Social media plays an important role when it comes to driving traffic to a website.

Proper use of social media helps businesses in two ways:

  1. First, it brings visitors and clients from sources other than search engines.
  2. Second, it gives followers a way to interact with you in places other than your website.

One of the most popular social media platforms for engagement with customers is Twitter. In this post, I'll list the best WordPress Twitter widgets that you can start using today.

WordPress Twitter Widgets on CodeCanyon

There are currently over 250 WordPress widgets related to Twitter available on CodeCanyon. You can use them to do all kinds of things like showing tweet and follow buttons, fetching the feed of a Twitter user or hashtag, or automatically posting tweets about the latest article on your website.

WordPress Twitter Widgets on Codecanyon

The price of these plugins starts from as low as $6. The best sellers offer regular updates and a lot of features. You also get six months of free support. This should be enough to help you get started with your website.

Best WordPress Twitter Widgets and Plugins

Here are the top seven WordPress widgets and plugins that you can buy on CodeCanyon and add to your website:

1. Twitter Feed—WordPress Twitter Plugin

This Twitter feed plugin by Elfsight displays a Twitter feed for a specific profile or a hashtag directly on a website. As a result, people start engaging more with your website as well as the Twitter profile.

Elfsight Twitter Feed

The plugin has multiple templates to display Twitter feeds on your website. You can display these feeds for any username you want or any hashtag that your website visitors and clients are likely to use.

Sometimes, visitors might not directly express their satisfaction with your service on your website. If your clients usually tweet good things about you on Twitter, you can use this plugin to display those tweets on your website as testimonials.

The plugin is fully compatible with WordPress and works with all WordPress themes, including many popular ones that you find on CodeCanyon. Ensure that you take a look at the Elfsight Twitter Feed plugin!

2. AccessPress Twitter Feed Pro

The AccessPress Twitter Feed Pro WordPress plugin also allows you to showcase Twitter feeds on a website. The feed may come from a single user account, multiple user accounts, or specific hashtags.

AccessPress Twitter Feed Pro

The plugin has three different modes or layouts—called default mode, slider mode, and ticker mode—to display the latest tweets from your feed.

There are more than 20 different templates for displaying the feed, and they all look absolutely stunning. You can easily choose a template that looks great on your own website.

The plugin also added a lot of new features with its recent update. This includes things like showing user cards, displaying retweet information, and a shortcode generator to make the plugin as user-friendly as possible.

If users click on a video or image inside your Twitter feed, it will open in a nicely designed lightbox.

3. Twitter Plus

The Twitter Plus WordPress plugin makes it incredibly easy for you to add Twitter buttons to any post or page on your website. It will automatically add Twitter buttons for tweet, follow, mention, or hashtags on all pages and posts that you select.

Twitter Plus

There are a couple of customization options that are available for each type of button. For example, you can set the tweet text to the page title or some other custom value for the tweet, hashtag, and mention buttons.

You can also choose to show either the username or the follower count (or both) on the follow buttons.

The plugin lets you choose the buttons that you want to show on different posts. You don't have to show all four of them everywhere. Just pick the ones you like and tell the plugin to add them either at the top or bottom of your page or post.

4. WordPress to Twitter—Twitter Bot

Running and maintaining a website takes a lot of work. Therefore, it makes sense to automate some simple tasks and use the time you saved to improve the website.

The WordPress to Twitter plugin allows you to do exactly that. Once you purchase and install the plugin, you can set it up to tweet different types of posts from categories that you select.

WordPress to Twitter - Twitter Bot

You can specify the delay time that will determine the interval between different tweets. You can also tell the plugin if it should include the post title or link in the tweets. Each tweet can also contain some custom additional text, a mention, or hashtags.

It is possible to specify the time interval within which a post has been published to shortlist it for automated tweets.

All these features make this plugin a good tool to save time and automate some of your social media outreach workload.

5. Twitter Feed Grid With Carousel for WordPress

This is yet another plugin that you can use to show the Twitter feed for any particular user or hashtag. However, there are a few things that make this one different from the others.

Twitter Feed Grid with Carousel

You can either show the Twitter feed as a grid or as a carousel. When shown as a grid, the plugin comes with a bunch of options to control things like the number of columns on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. You can also choose to use a box layout or a full-width layout.

The plugin comes with seven different grid styles to display the feed. When visitors hover over any tweet in the feed, the plugin will display social share buttons to allow users to directly share the tweets on their favorite social media platform.

Twitter feed displayed in grid style

The Carousel also offers eight more completely different layouts to display a bunch of tweets on the website. You should definitely check out the live preview of this plugin.

6. WP Tweet Selection—Twitter Highlighter

The WP Tweet Selection plugin gives your users a way to share the articles from your website on Twitter by selecting the text that they like the most.

WP Tweet Selection

For example, if a user likes a statistic that you mentioned in your article, they could select it using regular text selection, and then the plugin will show them a prompt to share the selected text on Twitter.

This is a great way to increase the engagement of visitors with your website and give them the ability to customize the tweet. It can also bring more traffic back to your website than simply displaying the title of the article with each share.

You can control the appearance of the prompt by setting values for options like its color, size, and the text that appears inside it—for example, "Share on Twitter".

7. Social Locker for WordPress

Almost every website places social share buttons somewhere on its pages in the hope that users will share the content that they like. While some people do click these share buttons, most visitors just ignore them.

Social Locker for WordPress

This plugin, called Social Locker for WordPress, can actually help you get more people to share your articles. The basic idea is that some of the content on the webpage is hidden behind a message that asks people to either tweet about the article, like it, or follow you on Facebook. Whichever option they choose, it will help you get more visibility on social media platforms.

Besides articles, you can use it to lock all kinds of things like videos, PDFs, videos, and download files. Give the plugin a try, and see your Twitter followers go up!

8. Easy Twitter Embedded Feed

Sometimes all you need is something simple and simplicity works best.

Easy Twitter Embedded Feed
Easy Twitter Embedded Feed

If you're looking for a simple WordPress Twitter Widget to display your recent tweets, some solutions are overkill and a little too complex.

Easy Twitter Embedded Feed is a great little plugin that enables the use of shortcodes for embedding a Twitter feed. Customize the height and width. This comes with multi-language support.

9. Social Stream Designer

Social Stream Designer
Social Stream Designer

Social Stream Designer is a WordPress Twitter plugin that's extremely versatile if you're looking for a WordPress Twitter plugin to showcase your tweets.

Made by an Envato Elite Author, Social Stream Designer gives you four templates with variations and six layouts. Choose from grid, list, masonry, horizontal slider, vertical slider and timeline. And customize further with drag-n-drop functionality. Great if you're looking for a twitter feed carousel.

It's not just Twitter, Social Stream Designer is the go-to plugin for integrating social networks on your WordPress site.

10. Twitter Tweets Pro

Twitter Tweets Pro
Twitter Tweets Pro

Twitter Tweets Pro is an advanced Twitter plugin for WordPress Twitter feeds. It displays Twitter feeds on a WordPress site and can be customized to match the site.

It may support multiple Twitter accounts without limitation. Features and benefits include:

  • Multiple Twitter feeds with no limitations
  • Feeds of multiple Users, hashtags or search terms
  • Filter Tweets by hashtag or words
  • Display Tweets in Slider
  • Configurable number of tweets to display
  • Load more tweets
  • Feed background color
  • Tweet background color
  • Tweet font color
  • Tweet font size
  • Date text size
  • Date font weight
  • Link color
  • Link font size
  • Google Fonts
  • Tweet Actions (reply, retweet, like)
  • Share Tweets on Social Media
  • Update Twitter Status

11. WordPress Any Contact Us

WordPress Any Contact Us
WordPress Any Contact Us

WordPress Any Contact Us is a simple and powerful WordPress Twitter widget that gives you the ability to add awesome social shortcode buttons to any WordPress site.

This means that websites visitors can contact you easily via Twitter. 

And it also includes contact methods via a range of other popular social media platforms, too!

Increase your revenue by connecting with clients wherever they are:

  • Direct Email
  • Schedule Call
  • Shortcode and HTML In Popup
  • Typing Animation
  • Smart Message Popup
  • Fully Customizable
  • Smooth Animations
  • GDPR Ready
  • Beautifully Responsive
  • WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, Twitter and much more…
  • Unlimited Social Contact
  • 24/7 premium support.
  • Automated updates
  • And more…

Free WordPress Twitter Plugins

If you are not sure about buying premium plugins right now, there are also many free WordPress Twitter plugins. However, they generally have some downsides like fewer features and slow support—if it's provided at all.

Now, here are some free WordPress Twitter plugins that you can try.

12. Custom Twitter Feeds

You can use the Custom Twitter Feeds plugin to display customizable and responsive tweets. The content of these tweets is also crawlable by search engines. The source of the feed can be any user or a specific hashtag.

13. WP to Twitter

The WP to Twitter plugin helps post tweets from WordPress to Twitter. You can also do a couple of other things with it, like displaying your recent tweets in the sidebar, etc.

14. OnePress Social Locker

The OnePress Social Locker WordPress plugin is simply a free version of the premium Social Locker plugin on CodeCanyon. It has limited features, but it should give you an idea of its capabilities.

Tips for Using Twitter Widgets and Plugins

There are a couple of things that you should be aware of when using these WordPress Twitter plugins on your website.

1. Don't Fill Your Website With Twitter Feeds

It may sound tempting to add Twitter feeds from different accounts and hashtags on your webpages because you get automatically generated content. However, don't overdo it. The feeds have to add some value to the website. If the visitors only wanted to see the Twitter feeds, they would just go to Twitter!

2. Don't Put All Your Content Behind Social Lockers

It is also important to not put all your content behind a social locker. Use it only when you have something unique and useful to offer. If every article on your website is behind a social locker, people will just start visiting your competition.

3. Don't Use Too Many Social Sharing Buttons

Unless you are focusing your marketing campaign exclusively on Twitter, you should not put the tweet, follow, mention, and other such buttons on every page. This, when combined with like and follow buttons from other networks, will become very distracting.

Final Thoughts

I hope that this article helped you find the perfect WordPress Twitter plugin for your website.

This small list of plugins covers all the important things that you might want to do, like showing your Twitter feed on your website or giving users an easy way to share your content on Twitter.

If you're looking for something that isn't covered in this article, make sure you check out some of the other best-selling WordPress social networking plugins and widgets on CodeCanyon.

WordPress Twitter Widgets on Codecanyon

Which plugins do you use to increase your social media presence? Let us know in the comments below.

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