If you need to produce a project status report, look for one that's professional but doesn't take a lot of time to create. When you download a premium project status update template that's professionally-designed you won’t have to worry about the design for your project status report template.

Downloading premium templates saves you time because you don’t have to start from scratch. When using a premium project status update template all you need to do is add the information in and you're done. Every premium template can be easily customized. Free templates don’t always have the quality you want and don't give you as many options as a premium template.
In this article, we'll share both free and premium project status report templates. Choose the ones that work best for you.
Discover Popular Premium Project Status Update Templates for 2021
Envato Elements gives you the chance to download many different resources you'll need to produce a quality project status report. When you become an Elements member, you’ll pay a low monthly fee. It'll grant you access to premium assets such as templates, stock photos, fonts, and more. Envato Elements is a great deal if you're planning on using many downloadable resources.

Free templates aren't as impressive as premium templates from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. Free templates usually don't allow you to customize your template as much as premium templates do. Even when free templates contain customization options, they're often limited.

GraphicRiver is a pay as you download service that allows you to download templates and more. It's got a lot of high-quality project status update templates that you can easily download. This option is great if you don't need more than one project status report template.
The Best Premium Project Status Report Templates From Envato Elements and GraphicRiver
Here are some of the best premium templates from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver:
1. Project Status Report PowerPoint

Project Status PowerPoint template is put together in an efficient and effective status report format. This template offers many different charts that you may need such as a GANTT chart, pro, and con list, and price table. The template includes editable charts, graphs, and a world map.
Along with the template, you also get infographics and 800 icons. The design is nice and also minimal. So, it won't distract the audience from understanding the important information presented.
2. A4 Project Status Report Vertical PowerPoint

This status update template is A4 paper size so you can easily print out your report if you need to. This report template is also detailed enough that you can clearly display all your status items.
This template comes with a milestone plan, four GANTT charts, a planning chart, and much more. With this template you also receive 800 icons, infographics, and illustrations. It'll help you create a more visually appealing report.
3. Imfea: Project Status Report PowerPoint

This project status report template has a nice, elegant design. Here are some key features of this template:
- two-color scheme options
- 60 total slides and 30 unique slides
- includes image placeholders
- includes device mockups and vector shape illustrations
This template is easy to update and completely editable making it easier to customize your template the way that you need. The professional design of the template will impress your audience.
4. Status Report Bundle

This project status PowerPoint template comes with three different pitch deck templates to choose from. This template comes with timelines, dashboard tables, device mockups, and more. Easily add an image to your template by dragging and dropping the image of your choice into the image placeholder.
5. 3 in 1 PowerPoint Bundle Template

3 in 1 PowerPoint Bundle Template is a status update template that comes with over 465 premade slides. All the slides have a contemporary and professional design. This bundle comes with world maps, infographics, and icons. Another feature of these templates is that it comes with many different graphs that you can use for your data.
Download Premium Quality Free Templates
Before looking for a free status report templates or project status update templates on the web, check Envato's free offerings. Try out various premium template files (not always project report templates) at no cost to you.
Here's the deal:
Every month Envato Elements offers 12 different hand-selected files, (fonts, presentations, videos, and more). Create a free account to download this month's free premium files now.
Or try Envato Market for free. They offer seven handpicked monthly freebies. Log in with your Envato Market account to get this month's handpicked premium freebies.
A premium quality template is always your best choice when it comes to picking templates. But if you didn't find what you needed above and you don't have any budget, you may need to look for free project status templates on the internet. Read on for our top picks and progress report summary examples.
5 Top Free PowerPoint Project Status Report Templates to Download for 2021
Here are some of the best free PowerPoint project status report templates found online:
1. Project Status Report Presentation

This detailed project report PowerPoint (PPT) comes with slides for status summary, progress, schedules, cost, technology, and goals. The design of these templates features a color column on the side of the slide and on the other side is the report information.
2. Project Status Report
This simple project report template comes with flow charts that can be easily read. The color scheme of this report is orange and grey with a modern design.
3. Project Status Report PowerPoint Template
The design of the Project Status PowerPoint Template has a liquid effect that'll catch the audience’s attention. This template will help the audience see the milestones and phases of the project.
4. Project Timeline Template
This minimalist status report template layout helps the audience to focus on what's important. The timeline helps your audience to see how fast you're completing the project.
5. Business Plan Timeline Template

Business Plan Timeline Template is a project status template that's made to report on the project’s status throughout the year. The timeline on this template is divided into quarters giving you a way to summarize your progress.
5 Top Free Word Project Status Report Templates to Download for 2021
Here are some of the best Free Word project status report templates online:
1. Project Status Report (Timeless Design)
This executive status report template is meant to update your stakeholders, so they understand the status and progress being made. With this report, let the stakeholders know the progress of your project in many different areas including issues and financial progress.
2. Project Status Report (Red Design)
This project status report template is a one-page report that's designed so that you can quickly give a project update report to whoever you need to. The design of this template uses easy to read, color-coded bullet-point lists. Try this as a daily progress report template.
3. Weekly Status Report Template
This weekly work progress report template is designed to help you create a concise report. Use it to show what's been done over a 7-day period of time. Use this template in Microsoft Word, Pages, and Google Docs.
4. Project Management Weekly Status Report Template
The style of this weekly activity report format is perfect to update your audience on the specific tasks that are being accomplished. Use this template in Microsoft Word, Pages, and Google Docs.
5. Company Weekly Work Progress Report Template

This weekly work progress report template is simple and meant for individual departments to update their managers or stakeholders on the status of their project. This template has a modern design with a geographic theme.
5 Top Free Excel Project Status Report Templates to Download for 2021
Here are some of the best free Excel project status report templates found online. These project status report templates for Excel keep the mission in front of you and make sure you never fall behind.
1. Project Tracker

Project Tracker is a simple project report template where you can keep track of many projects in your report. It's a free project progress report template for Excel to keep your costs at zero. This template has a built-in calculator that can help you see if you're over budget or under budget for your project.
2. Critical Path Method
This project status template uses the CPM method to identify task that are critical and task that can be delayed if necessary. This free template does have a 25 task limit.
3. Status Report
Status report is a one-page project status update template that allows you to give a brief update on your project. Use this template as an update report for a team or for an individual.
4. Individual Status Report

As you can see from the sample progress report in Excel, this project status template is great if you're required to turn in a personal project status update and not a team update. This report can be helpful for a manager to determine the progress of a project.
5. Timeline Report
Timeline Report is a status update template with a timeline to display the projects progress. You could also use the timeline to project the projects future progress.
How to Customize Project Status Template Designs (Quickly in 2021)
We’ve looked at some of the best project status report template designs for 2021. Now it’s time to learn how to customize them. You can do it in just five quick steps!
Follow along by downloading the premium Project Status report template from Envato Elements.

This template works in PowerPoint. But you’ll also find plenty of project status report template Word options as well. Plus, you can make a project progress report template Excel spreadsheet too! The choice is yours.
1. Feature the Right Data
The trick to using any project update template is to feature the right data. Here, that means choosing the status report template slides that serve you best. Scroll through the sidebar on the left side. Right-click and choose Delete to remove those that you don’t need.

You can also click and drag slide thumbnails to rearrange them. This is a quick way to make your weekly status report template PPT work for you.
2. Add Project Details
The beauty of a premium status update template lies with placeholders. These are pre-built slide features that you can edit fast. Click into a text box, and press Ctrl + A (Cmd + A on Mac) to select its contents. Then, type over it with your project details.

A project status update template like this may include image placeholders as well. Drag and drop photos onto the slides and watch them appear in your status update template - instantly.
3. Edit Font Effects
When you’re working in a status report template Excel or PowerPoint file, don't forget that text is part of style. The same goes for a project status report template Word document. In any Office app, select text and find the Font section of the Home tab.

Here, add bolds, italics, underlines, and more. Plus, you can change up the fonts and resize them. This is a great way to customize any status report template.
Searching for a custom font? Envato Elements has you covered. As a subscriber, you've got unlimited downloads available. This includes thousands of custom fonts. Check them out today.
4. Customize Infographics
They say pictures are worth a thousand words. In a project status update template, infographics might be worth more. These are illustrations that combine information with graphics to explain ideas. They’re the perfect fit for your project update template.

Premium designs like this have infographics built in. Remember placeholders? Click into the text boxes and other shapes, and you're underway. Type in your key details to make a winning weekly status report template PPT.
5. Leave Notes for Yourself
Think of a project status template as a framework for your update. Use the status report template to convey the most important details. If you’re giving the update in presentation form, it’s helpful to leave supporting notes for yourself.

That’s easy with a weekly status report template PPT. At the bottom of the app, PowerPoint has a speaker notes feature. Here, type notes that are visible only to you. When you share in Presenter View, you can refer to these notes. There’s no need to clutter up a slide.
Tips for Making a Project Status Report
After you've chosen a template, you'll want to get started on your report. Here are some tips to help you produce a good report:
1. Keep It Concise
When you're using your project status report template it's recommended to keep your status report to one or two pages. If your status report is too long you risk the audience overlooking important information. You want your report to highlight the information that's important for the audience reading it. Using templates for your status report can help you keep your project status report brief.

2. Remember Your Target Audience
Knowing who your target audience is helps you fill out your project status template with relevant information. When making your report you want to include language that the audience would understand. For example, if your project status report is for a client you would use simpler language than a project status report for management.
When presenting a status report for a client, don't use abbreviations and lingo that's only known by technical people or people in the industry. Use common words and phrases instead.
3. Format the Report Properly
When formatting your report, ensure that the format throughout the report is consistent. If the formatting is inconsistent, it can look sloppy and unprofessional. Using a project status report template can assist you in keeping the format consistent.
Keep in mind that you want the format to be easy to read for your target audience. Some pointers in making a project status report easy to read are:
- use bullet points
- double space
- don’t cram too much information on the page
- use charts and graphs where possible

4. Make It Visually Appealing
When a report is visually appealing it makes it easier to read and less boring for the audience. A good project status update template will have the visual part taken care of. Remember not to use more than two fonts and limit font colors.
Part of making your report visually appealing is using charts and graphs for your data. Using charts and graphs makes the data easier to understand.
5. Show Your Performance
When filling out your status report template list your achievements since the last report. This shows the audience how much you've got completed. Including due dates with tasks helps the audience to know if you're on track as planned. List all your individual achievements and your team’s achievements showing both the due date and completed date.

5 Key Status Report Template Trends (For 2021 Updates)
You’ve found your favorite status update template and learned how to customize it. But of course, you want to ensure success. Embrace these top trends for 2021 to make the most of any project status report template:
1. Embrace Visuals
Remember our discussion of infographics? These are trendy in 2021, and for good reason. They grab reader attention. They help explain ideas. And they ensure a great impression.

Choose a status report template with infographics built in. Or create them in the form of a chart if you’re working with a project status report template Excel sheet. They bring life and energy to any status report template.
2. Add Supporting Files
A weekly status report template PPT is a great way to communicate project status updates. But sometimes, it’s helpful to add supporting documents. These add context and help convey complex data.
Fortunately, PPT makes it easy to add supporting files. For example, you can insert Word documents into your presentation! Learn how now, in just 60 seconds:
3. Be Concise
Wondering how to make your status report template excel? Brevity is a big part of it. Summarize and be concise. People are busier than ever in 2021, and they won’t enjoy overly lengthy updates.

Premium status update template options help you with this. By having pre-built layouts, they guide you through the process of building updates. They avoid clutter and keep things tidy.
4. Use Contrasts
Dull, bland colors won’t impress in 2021. But sometimes they can be hard to avoid. That’s often true if you’re using a project status report template Excel spreadsheet.
Excel offers several ways to add color contrasts to your workbook. One option is cell styles. These add visual interest and help key points stand out. Take a look at our quick tutorial today:
5. Be Specific
A generic project status report template is a flexible option. But in 2021, many people will appreciate a specific themed project status template. These are often geared for specific industries.

These also save you time and provide inspiration. With layouts meant for you, you won’t have to start from scratch. And themed designs inspire by giving you ideas on the types of content to feature.
More Top PowerPoint Templates That Make Work Easy
You've already seen some of the best options for project progress report templates for Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. These make planning easy by giving you everything you need in a project update template.
Let's check out more top articles with the best PowerPoint templates. Many of these even work as options for status report templates!
- Microsoft PowerPoint40+ Awesome PowerPoint Templates (With Cool PPT Presentation Designs 2021)
- Microsoft PowerPoint32+ Professional PowerPoint Templates: For Better Business PPT Presentations 2021
- Microsoft PowerPoint25 Best Free Aesthetic Background Templates to Use in PowerPoint Presentations 2021
Learn More on Envato Tuts+
On Envato Tuts+, we're committed to building out learning resources for practically every app. You've already learned that project status report templates are a helpful and powerful resource to organize your work.
No matter if you're learning to work with spreadsheets, edit documents, or build a presentation, we've got you covered. Check out our learning guides for all three apps from our template round-up:
- How to Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide) - use this guide to master Microsoft's popular presentation app.
- How to Use Excel - Quick Video Tutorials (in 60 Seconds) - for bite-sized tips to learn the world's best spreadsheet app.
- Learn How to Use Microsoft Word (Beginner Tutorial Guide) - completely master the top document and writing app.
These top tutorials are some of the best when you're learning to work with project status report templates. Make sure to check them out to build your skills in each app:
- Microsoft PowerPointPowerPoint Online vs. Full PowerPoint 2019 on Your Desktop
- Microsoft WordHow to Make Awesome Page Layout Designs in Microsoft Word (+Video)
- Microsoft ExcelHow to Format Your Excel Spreadsheets (Complete Guide)
Download a Premium Project Status Template Today!
We’ve just read about premium project status update templates that are professionally designed and will save you time. Next, we looked at popular premium templates from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. Then we looked at free templates that work on Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Finally, we gave you some tips to help you create the best professional template you can.
Why not download a premium project status update template and get started on your report today!
Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Andrew Childress. Andrew is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.
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