This tutorial will teach you about Illustrator brochure design templates. We will make a simple bifold brochure template along with fonts and beautiful images from Envato Elements, and we will put together a creative brochure in no time. At the end, we will go through the process of saving as a PDF document. Let's start!
Find more inspiration and a multitude of resources ready to use on Envato Elements. Browse through the collection to find amazing designs that you need, such as this mint multipurpose trifold brochure available with vector AI, EPS, and PSD files!

Are Adobe Illustrator brochure templates not your first choice? Follow this tutorial to convince yourself how easy it is and learn how to make a brochure, put together a design, and save it.
What You Will Learn in This Brochure Tutorial
- How to select a brochure format
- How to create a brochure in Illustrator
- How to create a bifold brochure layout
- How to create Illustrator brochure design templates
- How to export a half-fold brochure template as a PDF
Tutorial Assets
To complete the tutorial you will need the following assets:
- Spot Normal font
- Frank Regular font
- Newtoon Regular font
- Golf Course photo
- Golf Closeup photo
- Aerial View of Golf Course photo
- Panorama of a Golf photo
1. How to Set Up the Brochure Format
Step 1
Launch Illustrator and press Create New so we can start a new document.
While there are plenty of Adobe Illustrator brochure templates available, from a trifold brochure template to a bifold brochure template, along with various styles of folds and sizes, today we will focus on the very popular A5 bifold format. Compared to a 3 panel brochure template, Illustrator is much easier to use for a bifold brochure because of the available formats ready to select right at the beginning. These formats will help us a lot to save time.
Under the Print section, select the A4 format and then change the units to Millimeters. The document should be 297 x 210 mm and Landscape orientation. We will basically use the A4 format folded in half to easily get the A5 bifold brochure template.
Press More Settings so we can take a closer look at all the settings.

Step 2
The dimensions are all set, so you can type a name for your file. Make sure the Color Mode is CMYK and set the Raster Effects to High (300 ppi). Now, press Create Document.

2. How to Set Up the Brochure Layout
Step 1
Grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and click anywhere on your artboard. Enter 297 x 210 mm as the dimensions and click OK. You will obtain a rectangle the same size as the brochure.
Go to the Align panel, and first select Align to Artboard in the bottom right corner of the panel. Press Horizontal Align Center followed by Vertical Align Center to make sure the rectangle is perfectly centered. This is where the final cut, called a trim line, will be made. It sets the brochure's final size.

Step 2
With the rectangle still selected, go to Object > Path > Offset Path and apply an Offset of 3 mm to get a bigger shape. Give it a red stroke color, and this shape will define the bleed area. The bleed is the area outside the document that is trimmed after you print the bifold brochure.

Step 3
Select the trim line again and go to Object > Path > Offset Path. Apply an Offset of -5 mm and hit OK. Give it a green stroke color. This time, you will get a smaller shape called the safe area. All important information should be placed within the safe area.

Step 4
Select the bleed area again and go to Object > Path > Split Into Grid. Select 1 Row, 2 Columns, and a 0 mm Gutter. Hit OK and you will divide the brochure layout into two equal sides (folds).
Keep these guides on a locked layer and then press Create New Layer at the bottom of the Layers panel. Name the second layer “Outside Layout”, and we will start to create the brochure design.

3. How to Create the Background for the Outside of the Golf Brochure
Step 1
How easy was it to create the layout? You are all set now, and we can continue to create a beautiful design for this half-fold brochure template in Illustrator.
Now, go to File > Place and navigate to the folder on your computer with all the images prepared for this brochure. Find this Golf Course photo and hit Place. Click on your artboard to complete the placing action and then press Embed in the Control panel. The image is quite big, and you need to scale it down whilst holding the Shift key on your keyboard to keep the proportions.
Scale it like in the image below; then go to the Transform panel and select Flip Horizontal from the drop-down menu. Position the image over the right fold of the brochure.

Step 2
Select the shape corresponding to the right fold of the brochure and then Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) to make a copy of it in front of everything. Keep this shape selected along with the image and go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Control-7).

Step 3
Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw a circle of 98 x 98 mm filled with gray; then go to Object > Path > Offset Path and apply an Offset of 7 mm to obtain a bigger circle filled with white. Position them in the upper left part of the page.

Step 4
Add extra points on the white circle by going to Object > Path > Add Anchor Points; then delete some of these points in the upper left area and create a new shape like the one in the image below.

Step 5
Place the Golf closeup photo inside your document, as explained earlier. Press Embed in the Control panel and scale it down whilst holding the Shift key. Bring the smaller circle in front of the image, and while both of them are selected, go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Control-7).
The background for the right fold of the brochure template is done for the moment. We will add the text later in the tutorial.

Step 6
Let's focus on the left fold of the bifold brochure template.
Place the Aerial View of Golf Course photo inside your document, press Embed in the Control panel, and scale it down as shown in the image below.
Now, select the shape corresponding to the left fold of the brochure and then Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) to make a copy of it. Keep this shape selected along with the image and go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Control-7).

Step 7
Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) the left fold shape again and give it a bright yellow fill color. Set the Blending Mode to Hue and reduce the Opacity to 22%. This will make the left and right side images match a little better in tonality.

4. How to Create the Right Front Side of the Brochure Template
Step 1
Focus on the upper side of the right fold. Grab the Type Tool (T) and write “GOLF” using the Spot Normal font, with a size of 68 pt. Open the Character panel (Window > Type > Character) and set a Tracking of 50. This will add more space between the letters and spread them out.

Step 2
Next, type “TOURNAMENT” using the Frank Regular font, size of 22 pt and choose a Tracking of -10. This brings the letters closer to each other. Use light green as the fill color.

Step 3
Use the Spot Normal font again to write “2021” on the brochure. Set the size at 25 pt and use off-black as the fill color.
At this point, select all three words and press Horizontal Align Center in the Align panel to make sure they are centered.

Step 4
Let's focus on the bottom of the right fold. Write “FUN DAY” using the Spot Normal font with the settings shown. Choose white as the fill color this time.

Step 5
Next, type “ON THE GREEN” using the same font, but choose green as the fill color. Reduce the size for “ON” from 33 pt to 20 pt to make it smaller.

Step 6
Still using the Type Tool (T), write “1ST ANNUAL CHARITY” using the Frank Regular font, with a size of 16 pt and a white fill color. Set the Tracking to -50.

Step 7
Let's include more information on the design of this template to make it more of a business brochure, including things like programs and activities.
Use the Type Tool (T) to write “PERSONAL TRAINING” using the Frank Regular font, with a size of 15 pt and a white fill color. Set the Tracking to -50 to decrease the space between the letters.
Right under this text, write a random short paragraph, again using the Frank Regular font, with a size of 9 pt and a black fill color. Set the Leading to 10 pt to minimize the space between the two rows of text.
To make the white text stand out more, grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and draw a long rectangle slightly bigger than the text but behind it. Give it a green fill color; then go to the Transform panel and set the Corner Radius to 0.7 mm for all four corners to get rounded ends.
Complete the design with a white checkmark, which you can easily draw using the Pen Tool (P).

Step 8
Group (Control-G) the white text, the paragraph, the green rectangle, and the checkmark that you made in the previous step. Make three copies and position them one under the other. Don't go too close to the middle folding line—make sure to stay inside the safe area.
Now, you can change the white text to include other activities, and you're done.

Step 9
Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw two circles of different sizes on the brochure template, as shown in the image below. Give them a white fill and reduce the Opacity to 40% to make them semi-transparent.
Write the following text using the Type Tool (T):
- “$50” using the Spot Normal font, size of 35 pt, fill color R=34, G=31, B=31
- “BOOK NOW” using the Spot Normal font, size of 15 pt, fill color R=34, G=31, B=31
“PER PERSON” using Frank Regular font, size of 9 pt, fill color R=34, G=31, B=31.

Step 10
Let's add some final details to the right front side of the golf brochure. We'll add an inspirational quote on the circle using the Newtoon Regular font, size of 35 pt. Write “Keep swing it with passion” and give it a white fill color.
Also, write “GOLFTOURNAMENT.COM” as the website at the bottom of the page using the Frank Regular font, with a size of 10 pt and a black fill color.

5. How to Create the Left Front Side of the Brochure Template
Step 1
Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a rectangle of about 97 x 126 mm on the left fold. In the Transform panel, set the Corner Radius to 0.7 mm for all four corners to make them rounded. Select a white fill color for this shape and reduce the Opacity to 30%.
Next, type “WHEN?”, “WHERE?”, “ABOUT”, and “FIND US” using the Spot Normal font, with a size of 16.5 pt.

Step 2
Write a few random rows of text next to each of the four words. Use the Frank Regular font, with a size of 11 pt and a white fill color.
Let's add more information at the bottom of the rectangle about the event and the schedule, as shown in the image below. Use the Frank Regular font again, with a size of 13 pt and a white fill color. Make sure each row is aligned by pressing Vertical Align Center in the Align panel. Separate the two columns with a simple vertical line that you can draw with the Pen Tool (P) or the Line Segment Tool (\). Give it a 2 pt white Stroke.

Step 3
The final thing to add is the email address at the bottom of the page. Write “EMAIL@GOLFTOURNAMENT.COM” using the Frank Regular font, with a size of 10 pt, and give it a white fill color.
Make sure that the email address on this fold and the website on the right fold are aligned by pressing Vertical Align Center in the Align panel while both pieces of text are selected.

6. How to Create the Design on the Inside of the Golf Brochure
Step 1
At this point, the outside design of the brochure is done, and you can make the “Outside Layout” layer invisible for the moment. You can still see the guides, and we will use them to create the design on the inside of the brochure as well. Create a new layer called “Inside Layout”, and we are ready to start.
First, select the two half-folds of the brochure from the “Guides” layer and then Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) to make copies of them. Move the copies in the “Inside Layout” layer, and don't forget to lock the guides again. Fill the new rectangles with the color indicated.

Step 2
Select only the right fold and Copy and Paste in Front (Control-F) to obtain another shape in front. Change the fill color to white; then go to Effect > Path > Offset Path and apply an Offset of -10 mm. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and move the Scale Horizontal slider to 90%. As a result of these actions, the white rectangle will appear to be smaller, but these effects are editable, so you can open them again later and make adjustments if needed.

Step 3
We will continue with the text. Use the Type Tool (T) to write “SPONSOR OPPORTUNITY” at the top and centered using the Spot Normal font, size of 16.5 pt. Set the Tracking to 10.
Next, write the type of sponsor along with the money amount on the same line. To make sure they are aligned, press Vertical Align Center in the Align panel while both pieces of text are selected.
Under the sponsor, add a randomly generated paragraph using the Frank Regular font, size of 9 pt. Set the Tracking to -10 and the Leading to 10 pt to minimize the space between the rows.

Step 4
Group (Control-G) the sponsor, the money amount, and the paragraph that you have arranged in the previous step. After that, make four copies and arrange them one under the other at equal distances. Now, you can change the type of sponsor and the money amount using the Type Tool (T). For the sponsors, set the fill color to green R=174, G=204, B=91 so they stand out.

Step 5
Repeat the previous steps to create and add the info on the left fold of the brochure. This time, write five membership options.

Step 6
Grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and draw a long rectangle of about 310 x 26 mm over the inside layout and color it with off-black. Position it under the text; then go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag and apply the settings shown.

Step 7
Focus on this rectangle and type “GOLF TOURNAMENT” using the Frank Regular font, with a size of 61 pt. Set the Tracking to 100 to spread the letters. Use green as the fill color.
On the left side of the rectangle, type the date of the event using the same font but with different sizes, and arrange them more creatively.

Step 8
In the empty shape at the bottom of the layout, we will add an image. Place the Panorama of a Golf photo inside the document, press Embed in the Control panel, and scale it down whilst holding the Shift key on your keyboard to keep the proportions.
Position it like in the image below, and you can use a rectangle that covers the bottom area to mask it.

7. How to Save Your Illustrator Brochure as a PDF Document
Once you're happy with your Illustrator brochure design template and consider it ready for print, you should export it as a PDF document. To export your half-fold brochure template, simply go to File > Save As.
Select Adobe PDF from the Save as type drop-down menu, type a name for your document, and then hit Save.
This process has to be repeated for the “Inside Layout” layer and the “Outside Layout” layer so both sides are saved.

Congratulations! Your Adobe Illustrator Brochure Template Is Done!
I hope this tutorial was useful and that you learned new techniques today. Now that you know how to make a brochure in Illustrator, go ahead and make other creative designs in the future. Don't forget to share your final result in the comments section because we would love to see it.
To make your work even more professional, you might want to test it on a brochure mockup to see how great it looks. This way you will be able to see it in the final form before you get it printed.
Placeit has a multitude of brochure mockups, a massive collection that includes a variety of sizes and angles to display your brochure design.

Popular Brochure Examples From Envato Elements
Envato Elements is an amazing place to find brochure design templates. Navigate through the multitude of resources to find what you need, whether it is a half-fold brochure template or a trifold brochure template, a specific size, a brochure design template in lllustrator, and so much more.
Bifold Brochure (EPS)
This creative and colorful brochure template is editable and in a print-ready format. Use it quickly and easily to add some color to your brochure collection and impress.

Creative Bifold Brochure (EPS)
Here's a professional brochure design that will create an impact. This elegant style can be used successfully as a business brochure template.

Elegant Bifold Brochure (EPS)
How sleek and elegant does this brochure template look? It's fast and easy to edit, so you have all the reasons to use it in your next project.

Mint Multipurpose Trifold Brochure (AI, EPS, PSD)
This is a perfect and clean design for modern companies that comes in two sizes. With this brochure template, your information will be perfectly presented and organized.

Trifold Fashion Brochure (AI, EPS, PSD)
This multipurpose trifold brochure template is perfect for fashion, lifestyle, creatives, brands, and stylists. A beautiful and minimal design that will impress anyone.

Learn More With These Brochure Tutorials
Find plenty of new information and techniques that will help you in your future projects in this selection of brochure tutorials, from beginner to intermediate level. Start now!
How to Make a Brochure
Standard & International Brochure Formats and Dimensions
How to Make a Trifold Brochure Pamphlet Template
How to Create a Pamphlet Template in Illustrator
How to Make a Tri-Fold Brochure Template in Photoshop
How to Create a Product Brochure Template in Adobe InDesign
How to Create a Science Brochure Template in Adobe InDesign
How to Make a Business Brochure in InDesign
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